Recap of 8th and 9th negotiating meetings (7/27/22 and 8/3/22)

July 27 - First discussion of wages! Package proposal on multiple issues (meaning that any part of proposal is only offered if whole package is agreed to.) Wage proposal delivered verbally. Agreed to add more negotiating sessions.

Aug 3 - SHARE made a counter-proposal, also as a package, addressing all issues we have been discussing up to now.

  • Raises and bonuses for all three years of the contract

  • Staffing shortages and mandatory overtime in Animal Medicine and the Continuing Care Units

  • Work from home issues

  • Joint Working Groups that give SHARE members more input into their work lives

  • Differentials

  • The SHARE Childcare Fund

  • Grade ranges and classifications

  • Non-weather hazardous conditions

  • Incorporating new policies into the SHARE contract (Juneteenth, Work From Home, Volunteer Time)

SHARE emphasized that we are looking for good raises because:

  • SHARE members deserve recognition for how hard they have been working and how much they have been through

  • We need to offset the huge increases in the cost of living these days

  • We want UMass Chan to be able to recruit and retain staff in a very competitive labor market when people have a lot of choices of where to work

That means we need a fair agreement for the first year of the contract, and continuing progress in the second and third years of the contract.

July 21 Meeting with UMass Chan Leaders

Reposted from email to members on July 21, 2022

We wanted to let you know about a positive step forward in our negotiations with UMass Chan. This afternoon (July 21), SHARE representatives Andrea Caceres and Elisabeth Szanto met with John Lindstedt, Executive Vice Chancellor, Administration and Finance, and David LaChappelle, Director, Employee & Labor Relations, Human Resources. This meeting was to follow up on some of the remarks that Mr. Lindstedt made at the last Town Hall meeting in response to questions about the COVID Appreciation Bonus.

We had a good conversation. They told us:

  • They value SHARE members’ contributions to UMass Chan, and they value having a collaborative relationship with the SHARE union

  • UMass Chan is part of the larger UMass organization, and of the Massachusetts state system, and they have to work within that structure

  • They are advocating strongly and consistently for an equitable agreement for SHARE members, including recognizing their work throughout the COVID crisis

  • They share our interest in settling the whole contract and delivering raises as soon as possible

  • They are ready to move forward with the economic part of contract negotiations – raises, bonuses and other things that cost money

We also talked about the difficult economic times we are living in and the impact that has on SHARE members, UMass Chan’s interest in treating employees in different groups fairly, UMass and SHARE taking a flexible and creative approach to solving problems together, the problems of short-staffing, and the idea that we might meet again if we get stuck in our contract negotiations.

It was a constructive meeting and a good step forward. The negotiating teams meet again next week, and we will keep you updated. The SHARE blog has a short summary of last week’s negotiations.

As always, please let us know if you have any questions.

Contract Negotiation Info Meeting Sept 8

We would like to give you a contract negotiation update and answer any questions you might have. Looking forward to seeing many of you! 

Please join one of our half-hour virtual member meetings on Thursday, September 8th 12-12:30 PM, 12:30-1 PM or 1-1:30 PM: 

Zoom Meeting

Dail-in: 646-558-8656 

Meeting ID: 851 9316 1012 

Passcode: 485804 


Recap of 7th negotiating meeting 7/13/22


  • Problem-Solving and the importance of coaching before starting corrective action, and solving issues on a timely fashion

  • Labor-Management Relationship and using Joint Working Groups to give SHARE members more of a voice at work

  • Exploring ideas about how to fill extra shifts in AMED and CCU by having incentives or clear, objective standards

What else to know:

  • We got quick updates on some topics previously discussed and what management’s next steps are to respond

  • We are contuing to negotiate our whole multi-year contract in parallel with discussions about the COVID Appreciation Bonus

COVID Appreciation Bonus Update

On Tuesday 6/21/22 UMass Chan held a town hall meeting. For those of you who were not able to attend, there were some parts related to SHARE members and the COVID Appreciation Bonus.


Chancellor Collins started by thanking everyone for their work supporting the mission of UMass Chan Medical School over the last couple of years, and referred to the bigger than usual raises and the COVID appreciation bonus for non-union staff as a demonstration of appreciation.

Naturally, SHARE members submitted questions about why we were not included in the bonus, did that mean that SHARE members were not appreciated, are we going to get bonuses, and when? At first we couldn’t see the questions, and then a bunch of them were made public when they were addressed by Chancellor Collins and John Lindstedt, Executive Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance.

Chancellor Collins assured us that he appreciated SHARE members’ contributions and asked Mr. Lindstedt to explain more. Mr. Lindstedt said that UMass Chan really values the positive working relationship they have with their unions and explained that raises and bonuses for union members have to be negotiated and that, as a state institution, UMass Chan has to coordinate with the Governor’s direction on what he thinks unions should be getting. We all knew that raises and bonuses have to be negotiated (although that can be done separate from contract negotiations) but the part about the directive from the Governor was new information.

As Chancellor Collins continued to receive follow up questions from more SHARE members, he pointed out that we could not negotiate about this in the Town Hall but suggested that SHARE follow up with Mr. Lindstedt and assured everyone that we are going to work this out.


We are in the process of scheduling a time to meet, to understand better what challenges UMass Chan faces in getting authorization to deliver raises and bonuses to SHARE members. This meeting is a very positive step which we hope will lead to ongoing communication and a satisfactory resolution.

Recap of 6th negotiations meeting (6/29/22)


  • SHARE presented proposal on issues relating to remote and hybrid work - communication, expenses, and flexibility

  • discussion of options for continuing and possibly expanding the Childcare Fund

  • CCU mandatory OT - we had two positive subcommittee discussions

  • Animal Med mandatory overtime - next step is a subcommittee discussion

  • further discussion about treating non-weather-related hazardous work conditions differently from inclement weather

  • waiting for input on Bilingual Pay implementation

  • response to letter from SHARE members about the COVID Appreciation bonus:

    • Management outlined other issues of importance to SHARE members that UMass Chan has addressed during the pandemic: comp time for essential employees, non-essential employees sent home with pay, retention bonuses and market adjustments for some titles

    • SHARE team agreed that UMass Chan did address those issues, in fact we negotiated about a lot of them, but that the pay adjustments and retention bonuses were addressing a shared need to attract and retain staff in a few titles that were in crisis, not a reward for SHARE members’ hard work and sacrifice, and had no impact on the majority of SHARE members, so those things don’t really answer the question about the bonus

What else to know:

  • The negotiating process is continuing to move forward constructively.

  • Our next negotiating meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, July 13

Recap of 3rd, 4th and 5th negotiations meetings (5/18, 6/2 and 6/15/22)

5/18/22 Topics:

  • Union presentation on mandatory overtime and understaffing in the Adolescent Continuing Care Units and the Animal Medicine department. ACCU has people not able to leave at the end of their shift. Animal Med has people who have to work overtime on weekends and holidays to cover the work.

  • Management presentation on inclement weather and hazardous conditions - how essential staff are compensated when non-essential staff are sent home with pay - led to a problem when used for extended period of time during the pandemic - proposal to limit comp time to weather events

  • Duration - both sides interested in a 3 year contract if we can agree on everything else

  • Management proposal to add policies to the SHARE contract that are already in effect: Juneteenth Holiday, Volunteer Time Policy, and Work from Home Policy

  • How to implement the Bilingual Pay differential in DCBS - small group met offline and reported back to the negotiating teams

6/2/22 Topics:

  • Union presentation on Childcare Fund

  • Union Presentation on Remote & Hybrid Work

  • Management Presentation on mandatory overtime issues at ACCU and Animal Medicine

  • Check in on other issues

6/15/22 Topics:

  • Union presented options for how to implement bilingual pay differential in DCBS

  • Union presented counter proposal on how to address concerns about too much comp time as a result of hazardous work conditions during pandemic

  • Interests and Options discussion about Childcare Fund

  • Interests and Options discussion about Remote & Hybrid Work

  • Management proposed discussion about some options for covering weekends in Animal Medicine without mandatory overtime

  • Management proposed further discussion around some of the causes of mandatory overtime in the ACCU

  • Union delivered letter from SHARE members about the COVID Appreciation bonus

What else to know:

  • The management team is not yet ready to discuss wages. Financial issues are usually discussed toward the end of negotiations.

  • A delegation of SHARE members delivered the COVID Appreciation bonus letter to UMass Chan senior leadership, in addition to giving it to the management negotiating team

  • We had a couple of fully remote negotiating sessions, but were back to meeting in person (with a hybrid option) for the 6/15/22 meeting

  • We negotiate again on 6/29, and will have a few smaller meetings on specific topics before that

June 30 Deadline to Use ALT Days

As part of the agreement between SHARE and UMMS about the COVID vaccination mandate, UMass agreed to two additional days of leave with pay for all SHARE members who were in compliance with the mandate by October 11, 2021.


  • Employed by UMCMS on September 10, 2021

  • Met all vaccination and documentation requirements by October 11, 2021, or received an approved exemption.

Using the two days:

  • The time must be used no later than June 30, 2022, after that it is gone.

  • The two days off can be used for any purpose. Use your usual practice for requesting the days off. Requests will not be unreasonably denied.

  • The time will be tracked by the department; it is not on your paystub. It should be entered as “ALT” in the employee’s timesheet.

  • If you leave before June 30, the time will not be paid out.

Recap of second negotiations meeting (5/4/22)


  • Comp time pay for pandemic - non-weather emergency events

  • SHARE presentation about

    • Who is in SHARE: 6 sub-groups (Commonwealth Med, Admin/Finance, Research Techs, Animal Med, Adolescent Continuing Care Units, Infrastructure)

    • Priorities from survey and meetings: 5 buckets (Essential on-site department issues, Remote work department issues, Respect issues, Work-Life balance issues, Financial issues)

    • Recruitment/Retention – Staffing levels and turnover rates, why staff leave

  • Mandatory Overtime in CCU & AMED – data, causes, effects


What else to know:

  • Both sides want a fair contract in reasonable amount of time

  • Feeling in the room was respectful, interest-based.

  • Everyone participated and engaged. Both sides shared their experiences related to the topics.

  • We agreed to ground rules – how we will interact, how often we will meet, etc.

  • Next meeting – more on how to handle non-weather emergency events, more on reducing mandatory overtime. On deck: remote work issues, transfer period, childcare fund. Small group meet offline on bilingual pay in DCBS.

Recap of first negotiations meeting (4/20/22)


  • Introductions

  • Joint training in “interest-based” bargaining

    • Present a topic, explore both sides’ interests and concerns and look for overlap, generate possible options for solutions, make a proposal that takes both sides’ concerns into account

    • Alternative to simply making a proposal without looking for common ground

  • Draft of ground rules

  • The non-union bonus


What else to know:

  • Who is on the two negotiating teams

    • SHARE executive board and staff

    • HR and front-line managers

  • Meeting every 2 weeks, mostly in person, with some people joining remotely

  • Next meeting – present on SHARE members concerns and interests, pandemic comp time, mandatory overtime

Free College Benefit

As a dues-paying member of SHARE, you and your family members are eligible for a free college benefit through our parent union, AFSCME. If you would like to learn more, the Union Plus Free College Benefit Team is holding information sessions on May 11 and May 12. You can also click to learn more.

Info sessions about your Free College benefit

Calling all prospective students! Don’t miss these info sessions to learn more about Free College. The Union Plus Free College Benefit Team will answer any questions you may have about eligibility, degrees offered, transfer of credits or enrollment process.

Register today!

May 11, 2022 9pm Eastern Time / 6pm Pacific Time

May 12, 2022 8pm Eastern Time / 5pm Pacific Time

Visit for more information about Free College.

May 1 Deadline for College Scholarship Opportunity

We received the following notice from the Central Mass AFL-CIO about a scholarship opportunity for graduating high school seniors. Children and grandchildren of dues-paying SHARE members are eligible to apply. The deadline to apply is May 1.

Click for the Scholarship Application Form. Our “Union Affiliation” is SHARE/AFSCME and our “Local Union No” is 4000.

To: All Affiliated Locals of the Central Mass AFL/CIO. 

We are pleased to announce that we will be awarding six $1,000.00 scholarships as well as several $500 and $1,000.00 Platinum sponsored scholarships.

The scholarship recipients will be drawn by lottery at the May community services committee meeting and the winners will be announced at the Annual Scholarship Golf Tournament on Friday, June 3, 2022

The scholarships will be presented at the Labor Day breakfast September 6, 2022.

To be eligible, the student must be a 2022 graduating high school senior going on to college and a child, grandchild, or member who’s local is affiliated with the Central Ma. AFL/CIO. Union members must live or work in the jurisdiction of the Central Ma. AFL/CIO.

All names must be submitted by May 1, 2022, and returned to:

Paul Soucy

AFL/CIO Labor Community Services

Central Ma. AFL-CIO

400 Washington St

Auburn, Ma. 01501


In Solidarity,

Joseph P. Carlson, President

Central Massachusetts AFL/CIO

SHARE Member Meeting Notes 2/16/2022

On Weds, February 16, SHARE held back-to-back half-hour meetings for members, at 12:00, 12:30, and 1:00. People dropped in on their lunch break.

For those who were not able to attend, below are the agenda topics (numbered) and some of the things that came up in discussion (the bulleted points). Please let us know if you have any questions.


SHARE Member Meeting 2/16/2022

Zoom – Speaking, Using the Chat, Mute/Unmute, Using Video

1.        Introductions – name, job, working on site/hybrid/remote

2.       Negotiations and Contract Survey


·         117-ish responses so far out of 400-ish SHARE members

·         Please fill it out and remind your coworkers

·         Comments? Questions?

·         Vacation time was a bigger deal when I was newer

·         Pay!

·         Negotiate about covid restrictions?

·         Opportunity to bring up concerns

·         Exempt staff have 4 weeks vacation

·         Closer parking would be nice

·         Cashing out vacation time (and/or sick time) – can go over cap but lose it July 1

·         Sick bank – put in 16 hours

·         Priorities???

·         Biggest issue for me is pay! Education benefits for masters degree is a bigger pull than the $17/hour they pay me. Tie raises to cost of living. Inflation is not seeming so “transitory” right now.

·         Working remotely using my energy and resources for my job: cell phone, electricity, etc. They are saving money by having us working remotely, they should give us some of that back. 7% CPI increase. 2% is not enough. They should treat us with dignity and respect.

·         What are non-union staff getting for a raise this year?

·         How much is UMCMS saving (esp CWM) with remote work

·         If you see something, say something!

·         2% or $0.50 raise and then parking, dues, insurance go up – end up making less each year. Very frustrating!

·         Must get paid what we are worth and we are not making that now

·         Want SHARE members to be recognized

·         What is national average of raises?

·         What are your thoughts???

·         SHARE negotiating team is the SHARE Executive Board and SHARE staff

·         Pay, time off, flexible scheduling, what else?

·         Most SHARE staff never get to the 3-week vacation mark – high turnover

·         Recognition: what forms? Pay obviously. Bitcoin, NFT’s, …

3.       New Volunteer Time Policy

·         Applies to SHARE members and non-SHARE members

·         16 hours paid time for volunteer services during work time – can’t get reimbursed for working on weekend

·         Not political, or partisan, or endorsement of religion

·         4 hour block minimum

·         There is a form – SHARE will send email (after Theresa sends it to us)

·         Does coaching youth football count? Needs to be added to the list.

4.       2 days ALT time (covid days) for SHARE members – key dates

·         Employed by 9/10/21

·         In compliance with vaccine mandate by 11/11/21, includes approved exemption

·         Must be used by 6/30/22

·         Can check in HR Direct after that they did it right


5.       Public Service Announcements:

·         Fair Share Amendment – on the ballot in the fall

·         Free at-home tests: for easy order of 4 at-home rapid tests

SHARE Member Meeting Notes 1/19/2022

On Weds, January 19, SHARE held back-to-back half-hour meetings for members, at 12:00, 12:30, and 1:00. People dropped in on their lunch break.

For those who were not able to attend, below are the agenda topics (numbered) and some of the things that came up in discussion (the bulleted points). Please let us know if you have any questions.


SHARE Member Meeting 1/19/2022 (12:00-1:30)

Zoom – Speaking, Using the Chat, Mute/Unmute, Using Video

1.       Introductions – name, job, working on site/hybrid/remote

2.       Contract Negotiations - discussion

·         2% raise isn’t enough, COL going up!!!

·         Vacation time, esp for people who need to travel overseas to see family

·         Parking – especially if working hybrid or remotely – pay less if “part-time” on campus

·         Why can’t we just print at home instead of having to come into office to print

·         Question: Chang parking fees?

·         Reimbursed or supplied with printing supplies

·         IT Admins working remotely

·         Credit for unused parking time

·         Don’t want to lose spot in line. Is there still a list since 4 years ago?

·         Increase of emergency incentive at CCU & equity with adult side psych on incentives

·         Parking office told someone that if they work 24 hours or less per week on campus then they can get the part-time rate: $8 instead of $16 without losing spot in line

·         Working 1 day a week or less at South Street, can cancel parking

3.       COVID Booster Shots

·         Requesting to upload booster confirmation. Consequences not determined yet, obligation to negotiate. Some of the dates were incorrect.

·         Trying to get am exemption for booster but EHS is backed up: write to Theresa Kane and Sharone Green

4.       Public Service Announcements:

·         Fair Share Amendment – on the ballot in the fall

·         2 days ALT time for SHARE members – key dates

o Employed by 9/10/21

o In compliance with vaccine mandate by 11/11/21

o Must be used by 6/30/22

o Can check in HR Direct after that they did it right

·         Testing: Need to test if you are on campus even for ½ hour, and no more walk-ins, have to have an appointment. Can test on the day you are coming in, but if you have been fully remote and are starting to come back to University campus then you need to test the week before. If South St, come to Univ the 1st time. If I stop for 90 days because I was tested positive, will I get dropped off the list. Employee health totally overwhelmed. Testing for covid after vacation out of MA, 3-5 days after returning

·         At home tests: for easy order of 4 at home rapid tests


SHARE Member Meeting Notes 4/21/2022

On Thursday, April 21, SHARE held back-to-back half-hour meetings for members, at 12:00, 12:30, and 1:00. People dropped in on their lunch break. The next monthly meeting will be on Thursday, May 19, 2022.

For those who were not able to attend, below are the agenda topics (numbered) and some of the things that came up in discussion (the bulleted points). Please let us know if you have any questions.


SHARE member meeting 4/21/2022 (12:00-1:30)

Zoom basics: Speaking, Using the Chat, Mute/Unmute, Using Video

1.     Introductions – Name, Job, Working on-site/remote?

2.       Use your 2 COVID days before June 30

3.       Update on COVID appreciation bonus proposal

  • The email and verbal response

  • The proposal at negotiations and same response

  • Next…

  • Discussion:

    o   They could give it if they wanted to, they don’t want to

    o   It has nothing to do with negotiations – this is extra

    o   Did they say why they won’t give it?

    o   They do the same thing announcing nonunion raises just as we start negotiations

    o   We will get it anyway!

    o   Double for the insult!!

    o   Feels like they are holding it over our heads

    o   What do we need to do to make them understand?

    o   Support from faculty. “Outrageous”

    o   Support from (most) non-union coworkers

    o   It’s not ok

4.       Report on first negotiations meeting (4/20/22)

  • The two teams

o   SHARE executive board and staff

o   HR and front-line managers

  • Training – “interest-based” bargaining

  • Ground rules

  • Discussion:

o   Meeting every 2 weeks

o   Next meeting – present on SHARE members concerns and interests

o   Updates between meetings – what happened at the last meeting, what is on deck for next meeting


COVID Appreciation Bonus for SHARE Members - Proposal Update

Letter from SHARE to UMass Chan Medical School

SHARE sent the following email to management on 4/11/2022, proposing that the $1,750 COVID Appreciation Bonus for non-union employees should be extended to SHARE members.

I am writing to propose a next step in our contract negotiations.

As you know, the Medical School announced on March 24 that non-union staff would receive a 2% increase retroactive to March 1, an additional 2.75% increase effective July 1, and a one-time COVID appreciation payment of $1,750, to be delivered April 15.

The announcement came as we were about to begin our negotiations for a new SHARE-UMMS contract. SHARE members are glad to see that their non-union coworkers are getting larger, earlier base raises than has become the norm in recent years, and we look forward to negotiating with you about raises for SHARE members, along with other contract issues. SHARE members were, however, dismayed and hurt that UMass Chan Medical School would recognize their non-union employees for their work throughout the pandemic, with a $1,750 COVID appreciation bonus, and not their union employees. The omission felt divisive.

We understand that omission may not have been intentional: it may not have been obvious to UMass Chan senior leadership that SHARE members would feel so hurt by being excluded from the COVID appreciation payment, and it is also possible that there was not enough time before the announcement for UMass to propose that SHARE members should receive the bonus as well.

All UMass Chan employees have been through a difficult two years together – emotionally, physically, and financially – and they have pulled together to keep the mission of the Medical School on track throughout the pandemic. All UMass Chan employees are facing the financial challenges that come with inflation, including the rising costs of housing and fuel that have a disproportionate impact on lower paid employees. It seems only fair that SHARE members should also be recognized now for their contributions and sacrifices. Over the last two weeks, SHARE members have come to member meetings, exchanged emails, talked one-to-one and in small groups, and finally voted overwhelmingly on how to respond to the University’s announcement.

SHARE proposes that UMass Chan Medical School extend the $1,750 COVID appreciation payment to SHARE members now, as soon as it is possible to implement, while we continue to move forward with contract negotiations.

I look forward to your speedy reply. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Winter Weather

We hope everyone is staying warm and safe! This seems like a good time to remind SHARE members that we have contract language about Inclement Weather that may be useful. The full Article is on page 18 of our Contract.

Time Offset Option for “Non-Essential” Employees

For employees who are designated “non-essential”, if you miss work because of the weather, there may be an option to make up the time you missed instead of using your own vacation time. It will depend on the kind of work that you do, the tasks at hand, the hours that you cover, etc.

The contract says:

Time Offset Option

Employees who are excused from job duties due to inclement weather may, at their discretion, workplace conditions permitting, choose to make up the lost time, instead of using their own earned time. The time missed due to the weather event can be made up in a single instance or in increments, and must be worked within the same pay period as the event.

Your department may already have a standard way of handling this. If not, you can show your supervisor the contract language and discuss how it applies in your case. You should both feel free to reach out to SHARE and/or the HR Office of Labor and Employee Relations to help figure out how to use the time offset option to meet your needs and the needs of the department.

Inclement Weather and "Essential" Employees

Because some essential functions of the Medical School must be maintained, and some departments cannot simply close, usually those that operate 24/7 or 7-days a week, a plan for staffing coverage is needed. To be clear about who has to come to work in these cases, employees need to be designated as “essential” or “non-essential” by their department head. If there is confusion or disagreement about an employee’s designation, it should be discussed by the employee and the department head, either of whom may also ask for help from SHARE and/or the HR Office of Labor and Employee Relations.


Please talk to a SHARE Rep in your area or call the SHARE office: 508-929-4020.

Reclassification Requests - Deadline Friday 2/11

The SHARE contract (Article 21 on page 25) gives individual SHARE members the right to request reclassification of their job through the union. You can make a request for reclassification through Friday, February 11 this year. Click here to download the request form as a printable pdf. Please read below for more about the process and preparation.

What is reclassification?

Reclassification means changing the grade level for a job. If the grade level assigned to a particular title no longer seems to match the level of work responsibilities, a job may need to be reclassified.

How does UMMS usually handle reclassification?

Under the UMMS Job Evaluation Policy, your manager can make a request on your behalf for the HR Compensation Department to review your job. HR Compensation evaluates the job description, consults with your manager, looking at the level of the job responsibilities, and how they compare to other jobs inside and outside of UMMS, and determines whether the grade is appropriate.

How is the SHARE process different?

UMMS has agreed to do some reclassification reviews that are not initiated by a department manager. SHARE can submit up to 10 individual reclassification requests per year to HR for review. The deadline to make a request this year is Friday, February 11.

Example: Someone was hired as an Administrative Assistant I. New responsibilities were added, and they now fit better in an Administrative Assistant II job description. They can request a review of their job and present arguments for changing the grade.

How will the ten individuals be chosen?

Because our unit is big, and our slots are limited, preference will be given to people who:

  1. have already tried to use the UMMS Job Evaluation process but been unsuccessful; and

  2. have the strongest business case for reclassification of their job

I think my job should be reclassified. What should I do?

  1. Do your research now: Ask HR for copies of the job descriptions for your job title and for any job titles you think would better match your job responsibilities. What job title do you think you should have? How does the job description match up?

  2. Talk to your manager: Tell them what you are thinking, and why. Show them the job descriptions. Ask what they think, and why.

    • If they agree with you, that’s great. See if they will submit your job to HR for review. There is no deadline for managers submitting these requests, and no ten-person limit.

    • If they disagree, try to get a clear understanding of where you and they disagree.

  3. Apply immediately: If your manager isn’t going to submit your job for reclassification review but you still think it should be reviewed, fill out a Reclassification Review Request application and email it by February 11 to these people:

If you would like help thinking about this, you can talk to a SHARE Rep, call the SHARE office at 508-929-4020, or email