June 30 Deadline to Use ALT Days

As part of the agreement between SHARE and UMMS about the COVID vaccination mandate, UMass agreed to two additional days of leave with pay for all SHARE members who were in compliance with the mandate by October 11, 2021.


  • Employed by UMCMS on September 10, 2021

  • Met all vaccination and documentation requirements by October 11, 2021, or received an approved exemption.

Using the two days:

  • The time must be used no later than June 30, 2022, after that it is gone.

  • The two days off can be used for any purpose. Use your usual practice for requesting the days off. Requests will not be unreasonably denied.

  • The time will be tracked by the department; it is not on your paystub. It should be entered as “ALT” in the employee’s timesheet.

  • If you leave before June 30, the time will not be paid out.