SHARE Member Meeting Notes 4/21/2022

On Thursday, April 21, SHARE held back-to-back half-hour meetings for members, at 12:00, 12:30, and 1:00. People dropped in on their lunch break. The next monthly meeting will be on Thursday, May 19, 2022.

For those who were not able to attend, below are the agenda topics (numbered) and some of the things that came up in discussion (the bulleted points). Please let us know if you have any questions.


SHARE member meeting 4/21/2022 (12:00-1:30)

Zoom basics: Speaking, Using the Chat, Mute/Unmute, Using Video

1.     Introductions – Name, Job, Working on-site/remote?

2.       Use your 2 COVID days before June 30

3.       Update on COVID appreciation bonus proposal

  • The email and verbal response

  • The proposal at negotiations and same response

  • Next…

  • Discussion:

    o   They could give it if they wanted to, they don’t want to

    o   It has nothing to do with negotiations – this is extra

    o   Did they say why they won’t give it?

    o   They do the same thing announcing nonunion raises just as we start negotiations

    o   We will get it anyway!

    o   Double for the insult!!

    o   Feels like they are holding it over our heads

    o   What do we need to do to make them understand?

    o   Support from faculty. “Outrageous”

    o   Support from (most) non-union coworkers

    o   It’s not ok

4.       Report on first negotiations meeting (4/20/22)

  • The two teams

o   SHARE executive board and staff

o   HR and front-line managers

  • Training – “interest-based” bargaining

  • Ground rules

  • Discussion:

o   Meeting every 2 weeks

o   Next meeting – present on SHARE members concerns and interests

o   Updates between meetings – what happened at the last meeting, what is on deck for next meeting