SHARE Member Meeting Notes 2/16/2022

On Weds, February 16, SHARE held back-to-back half-hour meetings for members, at 12:00, 12:30, and 1:00. People dropped in on their lunch break.

For those who were not able to attend, below are the agenda topics (numbered) and some of the things that came up in discussion (the bulleted points). Please let us know if you have any questions.


SHARE Member Meeting 2/16/2022

Zoom – Speaking, Using the Chat, Mute/Unmute, Using Video

1.        Introductions – name, job, working on site/hybrid/remote

2.       Negotiations and Contract Survey


·         117-ish responses so far out of 400-ish SHARE members

·         Please fill it out and remind your coworkers

·         Comments? Questions?

·         Vacation time was a bigger deal when I was newer

·         Pay!

·         Negotiate about covid restrictions?

·         Opportunity to bring up concerns

·         Exempt staff have 4 weeks vacation

·         Closer parking would be nice

·         Cashing out vacation time (and/or sick time) – can go over cap but lose it July 1

·         Sick bank – put in 16 hours

·         Priorities???

·         Biggest issue for me is pay! Education benefits for masters degree is a bigger pull than the $17/hour they pay me. Tie raises to cost of living. Inflation is not seeming so “transitory” right now.

·         Working remotely using my energy and resources for my job: cell phone, electricity, etc. They are saving money by having us working remotely, they should give us some of that back. 7% CPI increase. 2% is not enough. They should treat us with dignity and respect.

·         What are non-union staff getting for a raise this year?

·         How much is UMCMS saving (esp CWM) with remote work

·         If you see something, say something!

·         2% or $0.50 raise and then parking, dues, insurance go up – end up making less each year. Very frustrating!

·         Must get paid what we are worth and we are not making that now

·         Want SHARE members to be recognized

·         What is national average of raises?

·         What are your thoughts???

·         SHARE negotiating team is the SHARE Executive Board and SHARE staff

·         Pay, time off, flexible scheduling, what else?

·         Most SHARE staff never get to the 3-week vacation mark – high turnover

·         Recognition: what forms? Pay obviously. Bitcoin, NFT’s, …

3.       New Volunteer Time Policy

·         Applies to SHARE members and non-SHARE members

·         16 hours paid time for volunteer services during work time – can’t get reimbursed for working on weekend

·         Not political, or partisan, or endorsement of religion

·         4 hour block minimum

·         There is a form – SHARE will send email (after Theresa sends it to us)

·         Does coaching youth football count? Needs to be added to the list.

4.       2 days ALT time (covid days) for SHARE members – key dates

·         Employed by 9/10/21

·         In compliance with vaccine mandate by 11/11/21, includes approved exemption

·         Must be used by 6/30/22

·         Can check in HR Direct after that they did it right


5.       Public Service Announcements:

·         Fair Share Amendment – on the ballot in the fall

·         Free at-home tests: for easy order of 4 at-home rapid tests