Recap of 3rd, 4th and 5th negotiations meetings (5/18, 6/2 and 6/15/22)

5/18/22 Topics:

  • Union presentation on mandatory overtime and understaffing in the Adolescent Continuing Care Units and the Animal Medicine department. ACCU has people not able to leave at the end of their shift. Animal Med has people who have to work overtime on weekends and holidays to cover the work.

  • Management presentation on inclement weather and hazardous conditions - how essential staff are compensated when non-essential staff are sent home with pay - led to a problem when used for extended period of time during the pandemic - proposal to limit comp time to weather events

  • Duration - both sides interested in a 3 year contract if we can agree on everything else

  • Management proposal to add policies to the SHARE contract that are already in effect: Juneteenth Holiday, Volunteer Time Policy, and Work from Home Policy

  • How to implement the Bilingual Pay differential in DCBS - small group met offline and reported back to the negotiating teams

6/2/22 Topics:

  • Union presentation on Childcare Fund

  • Union Presentation on Remote & Hybrid Work

  • Management Presentation on mandatory overtime issues at ACCU and Animal Medicine

  • Check in on other issues

6/15/22 Topics:

  • Union presented options for how to implement bilingual pay differential in DCBS

  • Union presented counter proposal on how to address concerns about too much comp time as a result of hazardous work conditions during pandemic

  • Interests and Options discussion about Childcare Fund

  • Interests and Options discussion about Remote & Hybrid Work

  • Management proposed discussion about some options for covering weekends in Animal Medicine without mandatory overtime

  • Management proposed further discussion around some of the causes of mandatory overtime in the ACCU

  • Union delivered letter from SHARE members about the COVID Appreciation bonus

What else to know:

  • The management team is not yet ready to discuss wages. Financial issues are usually discussed toward the end of negotiations.

  • A delegation of SHARE members delivered the COVID Appreciation bonus letter to UMass Chan senior leadership, in addition to giving it to the management negotiating team

  • We had a couple of fully remote negotiating sessions, but were back to meeting in person (with a hybrid option) for the 6/15/22 meeting

  • We negotiate again on 6/29, and will have a few smaller meetings on specific topics before that