2021 SHARE Raise Delayed

SHARE has been informed by the Medical School that they will be late in processing the 2021 SHARE raise. We do not yet know what the problem was, but we wanted you to know ASAP that the expected increases will not be reflected in this week’s paycheck. We are working on finding out when the raises will be delivered and will send an update as soon as we have more information.

SHARE raises for 2021 were negotiated last spring, when we extended the union contract for a year. We know that this delay may be frustrating, but we want you to know that we will work with HR to make sure that every SHARE member gets everything they are owed. The raise is effective as of 6/20/2021 – when the raise is delivered, members will get retroactive pay back to that date.

More Information

The previous post describes how the SHARE raises work.

You can find the contract, the contract extension, and the wage scales on the SHARE website: https://www.shareumms.org/contract.

We will write again when we know more. In the meanwhile, if you have any questions, feel free to be in touch.

SHARE Raises 2021

Q. What am I supposed to get?

A. There are several components of the SHARE raise program. It depends on what you make and how long you have worked here.

MIN: The first part of the raise process is to increase the grade minimums (see the 6/20/2021 wage scale.) If your pay rate is below the new minimum for your grade then you get a raise to the new minimum regardless of when you were hired.

BASIC RAISE: The second part depends on when you were hired. If you were hired:

  • On or before 12/20/2020 then you are eligible for the full raise. The raise is either $0.50 or 2%, whichever is more for you. It is effective 6/20/2021.

  • 12/21/2020-6/20/2021 then you are eligible for a probationary raise of 1.5%, effective starting the first full pay period after your 6-month probation period ends.

  • 6/21/2021 or after then you are not eligible for the basic 2021 raise.

MAX: The third part is that no one’s base pay can go above their grade max. If your raise would put your rate above grade max then you get the grade max as an hourly rate, and the part that would be over max gets paid as a bonus. For example, if my grade max is $25.00; my current rate is $24.60; my raise is $0.50; and I work 40 hours/week:

  • My raise + my current rate = $25.10, which is over max. So my new rate is $25.00.

  • I get the extra as a bonus: $0.10/hour  x  40 hours/week  x  52 weeks/year = $208.00

STRUCTURE: The fourth part makes sure that no one falls too far behind in their grade for their years of service to UMMS. This is a complicated process – See “Do I need to understand the Structure Raise?” below.

RETRO: The fifth part is to calculate any retro pay owed if the raise is not delivered on time.

PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL BONUS: The sixth part is that people who received an “Exceeds” rating on their 2021 performance evaluation will get a $100 bonus and people who received an “Outstanding” rating will get a $250 bonus.

Q. Do I need to understand the Structure Raise?

A. Only if you want to. The structure raise affects less than 10% of SHARE members per year. It will be calculated as part of your overall raise, to make sure you aren’t falling behind in your grade. You don’t need to do anything special to make sure it happens.

Here is a little more detail, if you want it…

After your basic raise is added to your old rate, and if you have had satisfactory performance in the last 2 years, then:

  • If you have 5 full years of service then your pay is compared to the 25% structure point of the 2021 wage scale.

  • If you have 10 full years of service then your pay is compared to midpoint (50% structure point.)

  • If you have 15 years of service then your pay is compared to the 75% structure point.

If your pay rate, after your basic raise, is below the right structure point for your years, then you get an extra raise, up to 5% more. The raise is either whatever it takes to get you to the right structure point for your years, or 5%, whichever is less.

Q. Where does this raise come from?

A. It was part of a larger deal negotiated last spring between SHARE and UMass Medical School. The deal included extending our contract another year (the original contract ended in June 2021), guaranteed us this raise for July 2021, and added protections for SHARE members who were facing layoff. The deal also made our 2020 raise conditional, but we ended up getting the raise and retroactive pay for 2020 this spring. SHARE members made a good decision when we approved that deal. The contract, contract extension, and wage scales can all be found on the SHARE website.

SHARE Member Meeting Notes 5/19/2021

On Wednesday, May 19, SHARE held back-to-back half-hour meetings for members, at 12:00, 12:30, and 1:00. People dropped in on their lunch break. The meetings are generally held on the third Wednesday of the month. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 16. We will send an email reminder with the Zoom link in June.

For those who were not able to attend, below are the agenda topics (numbered) and some of the things that came up in discussion (the bulleted points). Please let us know if you have any questions.


SHARE member meeting 5/19/2021 (12:00-1:30)

Zoom basics: Speaking, Using the Chat – put your name and dept, Mute/Unmute, Using Video

Introductions – name, department, where you are working from (home, on site, mixed)


1.      Union Strength

  • Pandemic activities included all the usual answering question, helping with problems, negotiating about changes

  • Instead of the normal walking around and talking with people to maintain connections, we had a 3-part plan: 1) these Zoom meetings; 2) blog updates; and 3) reaching out to individuals

  • It is time to start thinking about how that might change as we start to open up again: What new practices should we keep? What old practices should we bring back? What old practices did we learn we could do without?


    • Zoom easier than traveling, also safer

    •  In person difficult for rest of the year, and hard to get away

    •  people will be working at home, or hybrid – looking likely

    • Hybrid, whatever works for people


2.   Raises

  • 2021 raises 6/20/21 for employees who have completed probationary period - $0.50 or 2%

  • Performance Reviews and Independent Development Plans

  • 2020 raise corrections – working on fixing rates for a dozen members still missing their probationary raise – contact SHARE with questions


3.   Work From Home


  • Commonwealth Med already transitioning to more permanent work from home

  • August 1, Main Campus “return to normal” – may need back and forth with manager – SHARE available to help

  • Generational differences - More younger people think working from home is normal and desirable

  • People will take advantage

  • Most people won’t take advantage

  • Miss seeing people

  • WFH has opened up the possibility of working during a snow storm, or with a cold

  • Push for the right to flexibility – message from the top

  • Would be nice to have some options to be on site sometimes

  • Work logs are a sorry thank you for all we do

  • Career path – even harder with WFH?

  • We all work hard and we know everyone works hard, no insulting work log

  • Much easier to concentrate when I am at home – fewer den mom questions

  • Core competency trainings – live trainings are hard

  • Happy where I am – core competencies training feel like nazi training – you must work your way up – insulting

  • Nice to have the trainings offered but shouldn’t be so heavily pushed

  • Like the people I work with

  • Initiatives get people promoted but not at our level

  • Training felt like I was being treated like a child

  • Should be ok to keep being excellent at your job in your current position


4.   Mandatory Overtime – in some SHARE areas

  • Continuing Care Units - inpatient adolescent psych

  • Animal Medicine

5.   Townhall takeaways

  • Discussions were clipped, specifically WFH

  • Still have a lot to figure out

  • Should be cautious about timing of bringing people back

  • Childcare

  • Vaccine – not mandatory (yet)

  • Voluntarily register with Employee Health

  • Congregate care setting in the hospital

  • Masks have helped with colds, flu, allergies, sinus issues

  • Opening gym


6.   Emergency Comp Time & Vacation Time – use it or lose it

  • June 21 - emergency comp time earned working on-site 3/16/2020 – 5/23/2020

  • June 19 - vacation bank over 240 hours


7.   Childcare Fund – not too late to apply

8.   Other Union News – St V’s strike

9.   Questions:

  • Vax, distancing



SHARE Member Meeting Notes 4/21/2021

On Wednesday, April 21, SHARE held back-to-back half-hour meetings for members, at 12:00, 12:30, and 1:00. People dropped in on their lunch break. The meetings are generally held on the third Wednesday of the month. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 19. We will send an email reminder with the Zoom link in May.

For those who were not able to attend, below are the agenda topics (numbered) and some of the things that came up in discussion (the bulleted points). Please let us know if you have any questions.


SHARE member meeting 4/21/2021 (12:00-1:30)

Zoom basics: Speaking, Using the Chat, Mute/Unmute, Using Video

Introductions – name, department, where you are working from (home, on site, mixed)


1.      Union Strength – feedback, suggestions for improvement, what do you hear from co-workers about SHARE these days? Continuing to work on issues and problems. Important to maintain connection. Ways to get information:

  • Call or email a SHARE staff person

  • Website – general information – site for new employees

  • Blog – current events

  • Other ideas: Chatbox, like Slack, would have to be monitored. Teams. Reach out specifically to people – invite individually – could we use this to connect UMMS employees with SHARE staff? Zoom. When people write in with questions, post them on the blog with answers because other people might have the same issue. Comments on the blog? More message board based – like a forum, like a topic thread. Facebook Group/Facebook Page – both can be private. Uptick in use of Groups. Tik Tok would be great.

2.      Deadlines:

  • Scholarship deadline May 1 – see blog

  • Childcare Fund (soft) deadline April 26 – see recent email, also blog

  • “Use it or lose it” by June 19 (21st for comp time):

    • emergency comp time earned working on-site 3/16/2020 – 5/23/2020

    • vacation bank over 240 hours

3.   Raises

  • 2020 raise corrections are mostly done – contact SHARE with questions

  • 2021 raises 6/20/21 for employees who have completed probationary period - $0.50 or 2%

  • Writing our own reviews in preparation for manager’s review – opportunity to get credit, but also stressful

4.      Commonwealth Medicine – will mostly continue to work mostly from home. Held a meeting 2 weeks ago for people to voice concerns and ask questions about the impact this will have on the. Will send out notes for additional comments and speak with management about the list.

How is is impacting you?

  • 3 people on a rotation – have to go in to get and process mail 1x/week

  • People from Schrafft building might use some of the space

  • Continue from home indefinitely – Disability & Community Based Solutions merged – still assessing whether there might be layoffs

  • Into work to check the mail 2x/month but otherwise working from home

  • Working from work, will continue that (I hope)

  • Would prefer to work on site, or a mix

  • Work on site 4-5 hours, 1 day/week, eventually fully from home, paperless

5.      Townhall takeaways – discussion topics

  • SHARE member Kate Gordon is on the EAP’s new Champion Advisory Committee

  • SHARE member Theresa Kane – coordinating the testing program

  • NERB building – looks like a tornado went through

  • Commencement

  • Travel policy

  • WFH until at least mid May, update next month

  • “There will be enough parking” when people come back to work on campus

  • Next meeting May 18

6.   Other Union News:

  • Committee of Interns and Residents

  • St V’s – Mass Nurses Association represents RNs at St Vincent – on strike

7.      Questions:

SHARE Member Meeting Notes 3/17/2021

On Wednesday, March 17, SHARE held back-to-back half-hour meetings for members, at 12:00, 12:30, and 1:00. People dropped in on their lunch break. The meetings are generally held on the third Wednesday of the month. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 21. We will send an email reminder with the Zoom link in April.

For those who were not able to attend, below are the agenda topics (numbered) and some of the things that came up in discussion (the bulleted points). Please let us know if you have any questions.


SHARE member meeting 3/17/2021 (12:00-1:30)

Zoom basics: Speaking, Using the Chat, Mute/Unmute, Using Video

Introductions – name, department, where you are working from (home, on site, mixed)


1.      Raises

  • Corrections to 2020 raises are mostly done – the exception is probationary raises

  • 2021 raises coming also – effective 6/20/21 for employees who have completed their probationary period

2.      Deadline to use time off:

  • June 21 for emergency comp time earned by working on-site in the spring (March 16, 2020 - May 23, 2020)

  • June 19 for time in vacation bank over 240 hours

3.      Union Strength – feedback, suggestions for improvement, what do you hear from co-workers about SHARE these days?

Meetings, phone calls, email, texting.

Online ways to get information:

  • Website – general information. Feedback needed – message board? Facebook? Frequently asked questions.

  • Blog – current events

4.      Townhall takeaways – discussion topics

  • Return to work – no date yet – not before end of April – probably based on vaccination levels (April 19 all MA residents 16+ eligible to get vaccine)

  • Next townhall meeting April 13

  • Compliance training – conflict of interest – state website – by April 4 (memo March 10?) takes about an hour, repeated info, tests. Don’t forget to finish it and print the confirmation (can’t leave and come back).

  • Travel policy changing a bit

  • Volunteering at a vaccine clinic – website https://commed.umassmed.edu/vaccine-corps

  • Vaccines for UMMS employees – UMMS hasn’t been allocated any to use

  • Hiring freeze through end of fiscal year

  • Research money – UMMS doing well

  • Theresa Kane shout-out

  • Double-masking is an option – surgical mask under cloth mask if you do. Vaccine rates up but still need to stay safe.

5.      CIR Committee of Interns and Residents

6.      PFML Paid Family Medical Leave – July adding the Family part

7.      Parking - access

8.      St V’s – Mass Nurses Association represents RNs at St Vincent, UFCW also doing informational picketing because of their contract and staffing (update: UFCW settled contract)

9.      Scholarship – see email or blog

10.  Questions:

  • MA law giving 3 years credit for covid retirement – for people working on site – bill at State House


Member Meeting Reminder - Wednesday 3/17/2021

SHARE holds monthly member meetings on the third Wednesday of each month. The meetings are at 12:00, 12:30, and 1:00. You are invited to drop in on your lunch break. There is a meeting this week, on Wednesday, March 17. We hope to see you there!

To join the meeting at lunch on Wednesday:

click https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85193161012?pwd=SERJUGFTd01ua0MyRDJrVTNkNmxSdz09

or call (646)876-9923 and enter Meeting ID: 851 9316 1012 and Passcode: 485804

If you would like an update but can’t make the meeting, you can read the meeting notes on the SHARE blog afterwards, or get in touch with one of the SHARE organizers.

SHARE Raises Check-In 3/10/2021

it all adds up.jpg

In December we explained the different parts of the SHARE raise program. Most of those componenents have now been corrected but not all. We want to break it down for you, so that you can check that you got what you were supposed to get. Feel free to reach out to any one of the SHARE staff if you have questions, or if you think that some part of your raise is missing.

Raise implementation timeline:

12/25/2020 paycheck

  • 2% raise for SHARE members hired before 12/23/2019

1/8/2021 paycheck

  • Retro for those who received the 2% in December

2/19/2021 paycheck

  • Increase to new grade minimum for people with rates below the new minimum

  • Increase to $0.50 for people whose 2% raise was less than $0.50

  • Structure Raise for people whose rate is too low for their years of service (see the last question in this earlier post) for an explanation of strucure raises)

  • Retro for people who got one of the above 2/19/2021 increases

3/5/21 paycheck

  • Performance appraisal bonus for people who received “Exceeds” or “Outstanding” on their 2020 performance review

What is not yet implemented? What should I do about it?

Probationary raises: If you were hired 12/24/2019 - 6/21/2020 then you are eligible for a probationary raise of 1.5%, effective starting the first full pay period after your 6-month probation ended. Your department has to process the paperwork to give you this raise, it is not automatic. If you are in this group, please check with your manager about whether/when the department sent a P.A. to Human Resources to process your raise. Feel free to reach out to SHARE staff if you would like help.

Bonus over max: Ususally people at grade max get a raise that takes their rate only to the new max, and they get the rest as a bonus. This year, some folks were accidentally given raises over their grade max. They will keep the higher rate until the next raise July 2021, and will be capped at the new higher max then. Feel free to reach out to SHARE staff if you would like clarification.

Performance appraisal bonus: Some people who got “Exceeds” or “Outstanding” on their 2020 performance appraisal did not yet receive a bonus. This happens when there was a delay in the department sending the appraisal to Human Resources. If you are in this group, please check with your manager about whether/when your 2020 performance appraisal was sent to HR. Feel free to reach out to SHARE staff if you would like help.

Miscellaneous corrections: SHARE is working with some individuals whose rates have not yet been corrected for one reason or another. If you think that you are missing part of your raise and you haven’t already been in touch, please reach out to a SHARE staff organizer.

2021 Central Mass AFL/CIO College Scholarship

In recent years, SHARE families have consistently been represented among the winners. In 2020, Liam Foskett was awarded one of the scholarships. (Liam’s mother Nancy is a SHARE member at UMass Memorial Medical Center.) The Scholarships are typically…

In recent years, SHARE families have consistently been represented among the winners. In 2020, Liam Foskett was awarded one of the scholarships. (Liam’s mother Nancy is a SHARE member at UMass Memorial Medical Center.) The Scholarships are typically awarded during the annual Central Mass Labor Day Breakfast. However, the breakfast was cancelled last year for social distancing reasons, so SHARE Organizer Carol Hehir took the celebration on the road.

The SHARE office recently received notice from Joe Carlson, President of the Central Massachusetts AFL/CIO, about a really great scholarship opportunity for members. The lottery for these scholarships will be open to any SHARE members, as well as children and grandchildren of our members, who will graduate from high school this year and attend college next year.

Read details & download nomination form below

We’d love to see another SHARE winner this year. Good luck!

Tips for Applying

  • Please note that the union affiliation should be identified as AFSCME/SHARE. Members at UMass Medical School are in Local Union # 4000.

  • Applications should NOT be sent to the SHARE office.

  • The deadline is May 1, 2021.

CLC scholarship letter.JPG

SHARE Member Meeting Notes 2/17/2021

On Wednesday, February 17, SHARE held back-to-back half-hour meetings for members, at 12:00, 12:30, and 1:00. People dropped in on their lunch break. The meetings are generally held on the third Wednesday of the month. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 17. We will send an email reminder with the Zoom link in March.

For those who were not able to attend, below are the agenda topics (numbered) and some of the things that came up in discussion (the bulleted points). Please let us know if you have any questions.


SHARE member meeting 2/17/2021 (12:00-1:30)

Zoom basics: Speaking, Using the Chat, Mute/Unmute, Using Video

Introductions – name, department, where you are working from (home, on site, mixed)


1.      Raises

  • most SHARE members’ pay rates will be corrected in this week’s check, the rest soon

  • contact a SHARE organizer if you have questions about your raise

2.      June 21 is the deadline to use emergency comp time earned by working on-site in the spring (March 16, 2020 - May 23, 2020)

3.      Union Strength – feedback, suggestions for improvement, what do you hear from co-workers about SHARE these days

  • People ask questions about the raise corrections

  • Benefit of virtual meetings for people in small locations – continue these even when pandemic is over

  • People are glad we are on top of the raises

  • Advocacy for vaccinating employees? Help getting access? Students getting vaccine – do they all have access to the hospital? Are they all helping with the vaccination program? Will there be more help from UMass when there is more vaccine?

4.      Townhall takeaways – discussion topics

  • Parking – address in next contract? 3 mos penalty to get back in if you cancel – unfair – empty threat? What is the alternative? Shuttle from main campus? Reduced rate to keep your place in line? Rebate?

  • Vaccines - med school doesn’t have any to distribute. Hospital gave us some for patient-facing staff. Worcester State site – Med students volunteering to help Tues-Sat 9am-5:30pm for whoever is eligible according to the state. Taking other volunteers, skilled and unskilled, and can probably get a vaccine yourself if you are helping out. How is it going to work for coming back? Will you need to be vaccinated?

  • some of what is said is hard to understand, especially if you are not a doctor

5.      Return to office plans from different depts – what are you hearing in different departments?

  • Not returning “before the end of March” is Med School’s position

  • Different depts may have difft timelines, depending on how well it is going working from home, what type of work they do

  • 1 admin: Initially said probably through June…? No new info

  • 2 more admins: End of June – general impression but not official

  • 1 Clinical researcher: probably starting to see patients soon (next month?)


Member Meeting Reminder - Wednesday February 17

SHARE holds monthly member meetings on the third Wednesday of each month. The meetings are at 12:00, 12:30, and 1:00. You are invited to drop in on your lunch break. There is a meeting this week, on Wednesday, February 17. We hope to see you there!

To join the meeting at lunch on Wednesday:

click https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85193161012?pwd=SERJUGFTd01ua0MyRDJrVTNkNmxSdz09

or call (646)876-9923 and enter Meeting ID: 851 9316 1012 and Passcode: 485804

If you would like an update but can’t make the meeting, you can read the meeting notes on the SHARE blog afterwards, or get in touch with one of the SHARE organizers.

SHARE Raise Corrections

Some SHARE members received either no raise or the wrong raise amount in December. SHARE has been working with Human Resources to make sure that every SHARE member gets the correct raise and retro payment. This involves a lot of manual entry, and we would like to thank the HR staff who have been doing all that detailed work.

Paycheck Corrections in February and March

Corrections in paychecks will be made over the next few pay periods. Some SHARE members will see the adjustment in this week’s check, some in the March 5 paycheck, and some may wait until the March 19 paycheck. If it takes a few more weeks to correct your pay rate, then you will get more retro pay to make up for the extra weeks. Everyone will end up getting what they would have gotten if the raise had happened on June 21, 2020 as originally planned.


If you have questions about how the raises are supposed to work, see our previous post. If you have questions about your specific situation, please get in touch.

SHARE Member Meeting Notes 1/20/2021

On Wednesday, January 20, SHARE held back-to-back half-hour meetings for members, at 12:00, 12:30, and 1:00. People dropped in on their lunch break. The meetings are generally held on the third Wednesday of the month. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 17. We will send an email reminder with the Zoom link in February.

For those who were not able to attend, below are the agenda topics (numbered) and some of the things that came up in discussion (the bulleted points). Please let us know if you have any questions.


SHARE member meeting 1/20/2021 (12:00-1:30)

Zoom basics: Speaking, Using the Chat, Mute/Unmute, Using Video

Introductions – name, department, where you are working from (home, on site, mixed)


1.     SHARE Raise Update

  • What happened – 2% and retro on the 2%

  • What was supposed to happen

    • $0.50 or 2%, whichever is bigger for the individual (2-3%)

    • probationary raises for people hired January-June

    • increase in the grade minimums and maximums

    • structure raises for people who have fallen behind in their grade

    • merit bonuses

    • retro on the correct amount

  • What happens next

    • we don’t have a timeline for the corrections yet

    • it has to be done manually, so it may take a few pay cycles

    • it will all be corrected in the end

2.     Parking

3.     SHARE Reclassification Process

4.     Union activity during the pandemic

  • Focus on community connection: member meetings, blog updates, 1-to-1 outreach especially to new members

  • Looking for other suggestions of how to keep improving our union’s communication

  • Responding to issues as usual: layoffs and furloughs, individual workplace issues, department issues, support in a discipline meeting, paycheck errors, working from home problems, working on site problems, clarifying policies that apply to SHARE members, compensation concerns, advice, answering questions, etc.

5.     Paid Family Medical Leave (PFML)

  • New law takes effect in 2021: January 1 for individual & military-related leave; July 1 for family leave

  • Both more job protection than FMLA and partial pay instead of using your time

  • Lots of questions about how the pay will work with vacation/sick time and the Sick Bank

  • More information coming soon on the SHARE blog

6.     Scholarships & Free College Opportunity – see blog/email for the links and more details

SHARE Raises Update

We are very happy that the Chancellor announced on December 22 that SHARE members and non-union staff would get raises that week. Because the decision was made quickly, eligible SHARE members were given the same 2% raises as non-union staff, instead of the raises negotiated by SHARE (see “What am I supposed to get?” #2 Basic Raise, below).  However, it is great news that there is a raise this year, and when we are done sorting everything out, SHARE members will get the raise and retro they are entitled to.

SHARE is working with Human Resources to correct these errors for our members. There are a few aspects of the SHARE raise program that only apply to us, and those were also left out last week. We are working together to make sure that SHARE members get everything that they are supposed to get, in accordance with our contract.

Q. Why was our raise delayed from the summer?

A. SHARE members agreed last spring that we would get our July 2020 negotiated raise this year if and when the Medical School gave the non-union staff a raise. This was part of a larger deal that included extending our contract another year, guaranteeing us a raise in July 2021, and adding protections for SHARE members who were facing layoff. It was the right choice to make at the time, and it has worked out well for us.

Q. What about the retro?

A. Next week’s check is scheduled to have the retroactive portion of the raise, but this too may be less than it was supposed to be. If the amount of your raise was wrong last week, then the amount of your retro may be wrong next week. When we get the raise rates corrected, we will also make sure that you get your full retro amount.

Q. What am I supposed to get?

A. It depends on what you make and how long you have worked here. There are several components of the SHARE raise program. The Basic Raise (part 2) and Retro (part 5) apply to everyone with satisfactory performance. The other parts only affect some people.

MIN: The first part of the process is to increase the grade minimums (see the 6/21/2020 scale on p. 49 of the SHARE contract.) If your pay rate is below the new minimum for your grade then you get a raise to the new minimum regardless of when you were hired.

BASIC RAISE: The second part depends on when you were hired. If you were hired:

  • On or before 12/23/2019 then you are eligible for the full raise. The raise is either $0.50 or 2%, whichever is more for you. It would be effective 6/21/2020.

  • 12/24/2019-6/21/2020 then you are eligible for a probationary raise of 1.5%, effective starting the first full pay period after your 6-month probation ended.

  • 6/22/2020-12/21/2020 then you are not eligible for this raise but you will get the full raise in July 2021.

MAX: The third part is that no one’s base pay can go above their grade max. If your raise would put your rate above grade max then you get the grade max as an hourly rate, and the part that would be over max gets paid as a bonus. For example, if my grade max is $25.00; my current rate is $24.60; my raise is $0.50; and I work 40 hours/week:

  • My raise + my current rate = $25.10, which is over max. So my new rate is $25.00.

  • I get the extra as a bonus: $0.10/hour  x  40 hours/week  x  52 weeks/year = $208.00

STRUCTURE: The fourth part makes sure that no one falls too far behind in their grade for their years of service to UMMS. This is a complicated process – See “Do I need to understand the Structure Raise?” below.

RETRO: The fifth part is to calculate your retro pay based on your correct raise amount and the effective date of the raise.

PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL BONUS: The sixth part is that people who received an “Exceeds” rating on their performance evaluation will get a $100 bonus and people who received an “Outstanding” rating will get a $250 bonus.

Q. Do I need to understand the Structure Raise?

A. Only if you want to. The structure raise affects less than 10% of SHARE members per year. It will be calculated as part of your overall raise, to make sure you aren’t falling behind in your grade. You don’t need to do anything special to make sure it happens.

Here is a little more detail, if you want it…

After your basic raise is added to your old rate, and if you have had satisfactory performance in the last 2 years, then:

  • If you have 5 full years of service then your pay is compared to the 25% structure point.

  • If you have 10 full years of service then your pay is compared to midpoint (50% structure point.)

  • If you have 15 years of service then your pay is compared to the 75% structure point.

If your pay rate, after your basic raise, is below the right structure point for your years, then you get an extra raise, up to 5% more. The raise is either whatever it takes to get you to the right structure point for your years, or 5%, whichever is less. If your rate doesn’t get all the way to the right structure point this time, then you will be considered for a structure raise again after the July 2021 raise.

SHARE Raises

Yesterday the Medical School announced that SHARE members, along with non-union employees, will receive this year's raise after all. This is great news, and we are happy that the Medical School made this decision. There were errors in the amounts of the raises for some members. SHARE staff are working on getting that fixed.

Who is eligible for the raise?

  • SHARE members are eligible for the raise ($0.50 or 2%, whichever is higher) if they had passed their probationary period by June 21, 2020.

  • SHARE members who were still in their probationary period on June 21, 2020 will get a different raise after their probationary period.

  • SHARE members hired after June 21, 2020 will get moved up to the new grade minimum if they are below it, and will be eligible for the next raise this July along with members who have been here longer.

Raise amount errors

It appears that, in an effort to deliver the raises before the holiday, the amounts that were processed for some SHARE members were incorrect. Eligible SHARE members received the same 2% as the non-union staff get. But SHARE members are supposed to get at least $0.50, and that part was missed. 

Raise amount corrections

SHARE members will get the full raises that they are entitled to. SHARE staff are working with Human Resources to correct the errors as soon as possible. At this point, we do not yet know if the correction will be in the next paycheck. We will keep working on it and let you know when we know more about the timing, as well as the other aspects of the negotiated SHARE raises (merit bonuses, structure increases, probationary raises, etc.)

Reclassification Requests - January 30 Deadline

The SHARE contract (Article 21 on page 25) gives individual SHARE members the right to request reclassification of their job through the union. The deadline for applying each year is January 30. Click here to download the request form as a printable pdf. Please read below for more about process and preparation.

What is reclassification?

Reclassification means changing the grade level for a job. If the grade level assigned to a particular title no longer seems to match the level of work responsibilities, a job may need to be reclassified.

How does UMMS usually handle reclassification?

Under the UMMS Job Evaluation Policy, your manager can make a request on your behalf for the HR Compensation Department to review your job. HR Compensation evaluates the job description, consults with your manager, looking at the level of the job responsibilities, and how they compare to other jobs inside and outside of UMMS, and determines whether the grade is appropriate.

How is the SHARE process different?

UMMS has agreed to do some reclassification reviews that are not initiated by a department manager. SHARE can submit up to 10 individual reclassification requests per year to HR for review. The deadline each year is January 30.

Example: Someone was hired as an Administrative Assistant I. New responsibilities were added, and they now fit better in an Administrative Assistant II job description. They can request a review of their job and present arguments for changing the grade.

How will the ten individuals be chosen?

Because our unit is big, and our slots are limited, preference will be given to people who:

  1. have already tried to use the UMMS Job Evaluation process but been unsuccessful; and

  2. have the strongest business case for reclassification of their job

Anyone not chosen this year can apply again next year.

I think my job should be reclassified. What should I do?

  1. Do your research now: Ask HR for copies of the job descriptions for your job title and for any job titles you think would better match your job responsibilities. What job title do you think you should have? How does the job description match up?

  2. Talk to your manager sooner rather than later: Tell them what you are thinking, and why. Show them the job descriptions. Ask what they think, and why.

    • If they agree with you, that’s great. See if they will submit your job to HR for review. There is no deadline for managers submitting these requests, and no ten-person limit.

    • If they disagree, try to get a clear understanding of where you and they disagree.

  3. Apply by January 30: If your manager isn’t going to submit your job for reclassification review but you still think it should be reviewed, fill out a Reclassification Review Request application and email it by January 30 to these people:

If you would like help thinking about this, you can talk to a SHARE Rep, call the SHARE office at 508-929-4020, or email SHARE.UMMS@theshareunion.org.

2021 SHARE Dues Rate

There will be a small increase in the dues rate for 2021: thirty-eight cents per bi-weekly pay period.

How does the dues increase compare to my raise?

For a full-time SHARE member getting the minimum $0.50/hour raise:

  • The pay increase is $0.50/hour ($1,040.00/year)

  • The dues increase is $0.005/hour - about half a penny - ($9.88/year)

What is the new rate and who sets it?

The 2021 regular bi-weekly dues rate for SHARE members will be $19.20. For members working 20 hours/week, the 2021 bi-weekly rate will be $14.38. The new rates will begin in January. The annual increase is calculated by our parent union, AFSCME, based on the average percent increase of AFSCME members’ pay rates across the country in the previous year. This is a small increase because it has been a hard year for public workers - many AFSCME members have had low or no raises, furloughs, and cuts.

Why do we pay dues?

Dues are an investment that SHARE members make in themselves and their coworkers. Without a union, employees have very little leverage to make change, or even to hold onto what they have. With SHARE, we can work together to make work better.

The SHARE advantage more than makes up for the cost of dues. (see FAQ about Membership and Dues and SHARE Raise Advantage.)

The money from dues mostly goes to pay for the union staff. SHARE staff spend their time gathering information and opinions from members, sharing information with members, developing and supporting SHARE Reps, helping members with questions or problems, researching issues, negotiating contracts, organizing events, writing blog posts, lobbying the State House, etc., all on behalf of SHARE members.

More information

If you would like to know more about what SHARE at UMMS does, or about how dues are spent, please talk to a SHARE Rep, email share.umms@theshareunion.org or call 508-929-4020.

Savings for SHARE Members

We recently wrote an email to each dues-paying member of SHARE to make sure that they had their personal AFSCME ID number. Members of SHARE are automatically also members of our parent union, AFSCME, a nationwide union with over 1.4 million members. A portion of your SHARE dues go to AFSCME. Membership gives you access to some benefits and discounts.

What can I use my AFSCME ID number for?

As an AFSCME member, you're eligible for savings, discounts, and other benefits through UnionPlus including:  

How do I enroll?

To sign up for benefits, here is some info you may need to know:     

  • Union Name and Local Number: AFSCME Local 4000. AFSCME is SHARE's parent union, and 4000 is the number for the SHARE Local Union at UMMS.

  • Your AFSCME ID Number: check your email or, if you can’t find it, contact the SHARE office at SHARE.UMMS@theshareunion.org.

  • Council Number: SHARE is directly affiliated with the AFSCME International Union, so there is no Council number. You can leave this field blank if you see it.

There may be other information you are asked for that you don't know. In most cases, you can submit the form partially completed. The program administrators will reach out to you to confirm any additional information they need.   


For questions about a specific Union Plus benefit, first contact the Union Plus program provider. Information for program providers can be found on the Get Help sections of the benefit/discount you have selected. You can also call the Union Plus office at 1-800-472-2005. 

For questions about SHARE membership more broadly, please contact a SHARE rep or staff member, or email SHARE.UMMS@theshareunion.org.

SHARE has had good feedback and good experiences in dealing with these programs. We'd love to know about your experience, too, so that we can help other members best take advantage of these offerings. Please let us know how it goes!  

COVID Vaccines Coming for SHARE Members in Adolescent Psych Unit

Over 50 SHARE members working for the Adolescent CCU at the Worcester Recovery Center are preparing to receive COVID vaccinations in the coming weeks. The Recovery Center is coordinating the vaccine distribution with UMMS management.

These staff have been working throughout the pandemic, in close proximity to patients and one another. This is great news for our mental health counselors, EBS, and LPN’s who provide quality therapeutic and supportive care to this unique patient population.

SHARE Member Meeting Notes 12/16/2020

On Wednesday, December 16, SHARE held back-to-back half-hour meetings for members, at 12:00, 12:30, and 1:00. People dropped in on their lunch break. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 20. We will send an email reminder with the Zoom link in mid-January.

For those who were not able to attend, below are the agenda topics (numbered) and some of the things that came up in discussion (the bulleted points). Please let us know if you have any questions.


SHARE Member Meeting Notes - Wednesday, 12/16/2020, 12:00-1:30pm

  1. Using Zoom - Quick overview on Muting/Unmuting, Video, using Chat, for computer or phone

  2. Introductions – name, department, and where you work (on-site or home or mixed)

  3. Being an effective union during a pandemic

    • all the usual work we do responding to issues, questions, problems, ideas

    • replacing the usual work, of checking in with members in person, with remote alternatives:

      • monthly member meetings

      • monthly new member meetings

      • posting meeting notes on the blog for people who could not attend

      • blog posts on other topics of interest to SHARE members

      • individual outreach to members who are not reaching out with questions, problems, etc.

  4. Workshop with HR Talent Acquisition

    • Job search skills, resume writing tips, interviewing preparedness

    • provided for laid-off SHARE members this week

    • will be available to all SHARE members in 2021

  5. Reclassification requests - deadline January 30, 2021

    • this will be the 3rd year of this program

    • we have had some successes and some disappointments

    • if you are intersted, the first step is to talk to a SHARE staff person who can help you prepare to make your case

  6. Report from the Dec 1 Town hall - topics

    • work from home thru at least 3/31

    • pay for work from home expenses

    • COVID tracking

    • travelling

    • no news about early retirement

  7. Other Topics

    • Raises - rumors non-union employees might get a raise. If they do then we get our raise too. Either way, SHARE members get a raise 7/1/2021.

    • Parking - UMMS considering raising rates? Paying to park now while working from home.

    • Hiring – what the freeze means, where is there a need to hire?

    • Vaccines need specific temp and there is a concern about gauges misreading - NYT article