SHARE Raises Check-In 3/10/2021

it all adds up.jpg

In December we explained the different parts of the SHARE raise program. Most of those componenents have now been corrected but not all. We want to break it down for you, so that you can check that you got what you were supposed to get. Feel free to reach out to any one of the SHARE staff if you have questions, or if you think that some part of your raise is missing.

Raise implementation timeline:

12/25/2020 paycheck

  • 2% raise for SHARE members hired before 12/23/2019

1/8/2021 paycheck

  • Retro for those who received the 2% in December

2/19/2021 paycheck

  • Increase to new grade minimum for people with rates below the new minimum

  • Increase to $0.50 for people whose 2% raise was less than $0.50

  • Structure Raise for people whose rate is too low for their years of service (see the last question in this earlier post) for an explanation of strucure raises)

  • Retro for people who got one of the above 2/19/2021 increases

3/5/21 paycheck

  • Performance appraisal bonus for people who received “Exceeds” or “Outstanding” on their 2020 performance review

What is not yet implemented? What should I do about it?

Probationary raises: If you were hired 12/24/2019 - 6/21/2020 then you are eligible for a probationary raise of 1.5%, effective starting the first full pay period after your 6-month probation ended. Your department has to process the paperwork to give you this raise, it is not automatic. If you are in this group, please check with your manager about whether/when the department sent a P.A. to Human Resources to process your raise. Feel free to reach out to SHARE staff if you would like help.

Bonus over max: Ususally people at grade max get a raise that takes their rate only to the new max, and they get the rest as a bonus. This year, some folks were accidentally given raises over their grade max. They will keep the higher rate until the next raise July 2021, and will be capped at the new higher max then. Feel free to reach out to SHARE staff if you would like clarification.

Performance appraisal bonus: Some people who got “Exceeds” or “Outstanding” on their 2020 performance appraisal did not yet receive a bonus. This happens when there was a delay in the department sending the appraisal to Human Resources. If you are in this group, please check with your manager about whether/when your 2020 performance appraisal was sent to HR. Feel free to reach out to SHARE staff if you would like help.

Miscellaneous corrections: SHARE is working with some individuals whose rates have not yet been corrected for one reason or another. If you think that you are missing part of your raise and you haven’t already been in touch, please reach out to a SHARE staff organizer.