SHARE Member Meeting Notes 1/20/2021

On Wednesday, January 20, SHARE held back-to-back half-hour meetings for members, at 12:00, 12:30, and 1:00. People dropped in on their lunch break. The meetings are generally held on the third Wednesday of the month. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 17. We will send an email reminder with the Zoom link in February.

For those who were not able to attend, below are the agenda topics (numbered) and some of the things that came up in discussion (the bulleted points). Please let us know if you have any questions.


SHARE member meeting 1/20/2021 (12:00-1:30)

Zoom basics: Speaking, Using the Chat, Mute/Unmute, Using Video

Introductions – name, department, where you are working from (home, on site, mixed)


1.     SHARE Raise Update

  • What happened – 2% and retro on the 2%

  • What was supposed to happen

    • $0.50 or 2%, whichever is bigger for the individual (2-3%)

    • probationary raises for people hired January-June

    • increase in the grade minimums and maximums

    • structure raises for people who have fallen behind in their grade

    • merit bonuses

    • retro on the correct amount

  • What happens next

    • we don’t have a timeline for the corrections yet

    • it has to be done manually, so it may take a few pay cycles

    • it will all be corrected in the end

2.     Parking

3.     SHARE Reclassification Process

4.     Union activity during the pandemic

  • Focus on community connection: member meetings, blog updates, 1-to-1 outreach especially to new members

  • Looking for other suggestions of how to keep improving our union’s communication

  • Responding to issues as usual: layoffs and furloughs, individual workplace issues, department issues, support in a discipline meeting, paycheck errors, working from home problems, working on site problems, clarifying policies that apply to SHARE members, compensation concerns, advice, answering questions, etc.

5.     Paid Family Medical Leave (PFML)

  • New law takes effect in 2021: January 1 for individual & military-related leave; July 1 for family leave

  • Both more job protection than FMLA and partial pay instead of using your time

  • Lots of questions about how the pay will work with vacation/sick time and the Sick Bank

  • More information coming soon on the SHARE blog

6.     Scholarships & Free College Opportunity – see blog/email for the links and more details