SHARE Member Meeting Notes 5/19/2021

On Wednesday, May 19, SHARE held back-to-back half-hour meetings for members, at 12:00, 12:30, and 1:00. People dropped in on their lunch break. The meetings are generally held on the third Wednesday of the month. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 16. We will send an email reminder with the Zoom link in June.

For those who were not able to attend, below are the agenda topics (numbered) and some of the things that came up in discussion (the bulleted points). Please let us know if you have any questions.


SHARE member meeting 5/19/2021 (12:00-1:30)

Zoom basics: Speaking, Using the Chat – put your name and dept, Mute/Unmute, Using Video

Introductions – name, department, where you are working from (home, on site, mixed)


1.      Union Strength

  • Pandemic activities included all the usual answering question, helping with problems, negotiating about changes

  • Instead of the normal walking around and talking with people to maintain connections, we had a 3-part plan: 1) these Zoom meetings; 2) blog updates; and 3) reaching out to individuals

  • It is time to start thinking about how that might change as we start to open up again: What new practices should we keep? What old practices should we bring back? What old practices did we learn we could do without?


    • Zoom easier than traveling, also safer

    •  In person difficult for rest of the year, and hard to get away

    •  people will be working at home, or hybrid – looking likely

    • Hybrid, whatever works for people


2.   Raises

  • 2021 raises 6/20/21 for employees who have completed probationary period - $0.50 or 2%

  • Performance Reviews and Independent Development Plans

  • 2020 raise corrections – working on fixing rates for a dozen members still missing their probationary raise – contact SHARE with questions


3.   Work From Home


  • Commonwealth Med already transitioning to more permanent work from home

  • August 1, Main Campus “return to normal” – may need back and forth with manager – SHARE available to help

  • Generational differences - More younger people think working from home is normal and desirable

  • People will take advantage

  • Most people won’t take advantage

  • Miss seeing people

  • WFH has opened up the possibility of working during a snow storm, or with a cold

  • Push for the right to flexibility – message from the top

  • Would be nice to have some options to be on site sometimes

  • Work logs are a sorry thank you for all we do

  • Career path – even harder with WFH?

  • We all work hard and we know everyone works hard, no insulting work log

  • Much easier to concentrate when I am at home – fewer den mom questions

  • Core competency trainings – live trainings are hard

  • Happy where I am – core competencies training feel like nazi training – you must work your way up – insulting

  • Nice to have the trainings offered but shouldn’t be so heavily pushed

  • Like the people I work with

  • Initiatives get people promoted but not at our level

  • Training felt like I was being treated like a child

  • Should be ok to keep being excellent at your job in your current position


4.   Mandatory Overtime – in some SHARE areas

  • Continuing Care Units - inpatient adolescent psych

  • Animal Medicine

5.   Townhall takeaways

  • Discussions were clipped, specifically WFH

  • Still have a lot to figure out

  • Should be cautious about timing of bringing people back

  • Childcare

  • Vaccine – not mandatory (yet)

  • Voluntarily register with Employee Health

  • Congregate care setting in the hospital

  • Masks have helped with colds, flu, allergies, sinus issues

  • Opening gym


6.   Emergency Comp Time & Vacation Time – use it or lose it

  • June 21 - emergency comp time earned working on-site 3/16/2020 – 5/23/2020

  • June 19 - vacation bank over 240 hours


7.   Childcare Fund – not too late to apply

8.   Other Union News – St V’s strike

9.   Questions:

  • Vax, distancing