SHARE Member Meeting Notes 3/17/2021

On Wednesday, March 17, SHARE held back-to-back half-hour meetings for members, at 12:00, 12:30, and 1:00. People dropped in on their lunch break. The meetings are generally held on the third Wednesday of the month. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 21. We will send an email reminder with the Zoom link in April.

For those who were not able to attend, below are the agenda topics (numbered) and some of the things that came up in discussion (the bulleted points). Please let us know if you have any questions.


SHARE member meeting 3/17/2021 (12:00-1:30)

Zoom basics: Speaking, Using the Chat, Mute/Unmute, Using Video

Introductions – name, department, where you are working from (home, on site, mixed)


1.      Raises

  • Corrections to 2020 raises are mostly done – the exception is probationary raises

  • 2021 raises coming also – effective 6/20/21 for employees who have completed their probationary period

2.      Deadline to use time off:

  • June 21 for emergency comp time earned by working on-site in the spring (March 16, 2020 - May 23, 2020)

  • June 19 for time in vacation bank over 240 hours

3.      Union Strength – feedback, suggestions for improvement, what do you hear from co-workers about SHARE these days?

Meetings, phone calls, email, texting.

Online ways to get information:

  • Website – general information. Feedback needed – message board? Facebook? Frequently asked questions.

  • Blog – current events

4.      Townhall takeaways – discussion topics

  • Return to work – no date yet – not before end of April – probably based on vaccination levels (April 19 all MA residents 16+ eligible to get vaccine)

  • Next townhall meeting April 13

  • Compliance training – conflict of interest – state website – by April 4 (memo March 10?) takes about an hour, repeated info, tests. Don’t forget to finish it and print the confirmation (can’t leave and come back).

  • Travel policy changing a bit

  • Volunteering at a vaccine clinic – website

  • Vaccines for UMMS employees – UMMS hasn’t been allocated any to use

  • Hiring freeze through end of fiscal year

  • Research money – UMMS doing well

  • Theresa Kane shout-out

  • Double-masking is an option – surgical mask under cloth mask if you do. Vaccine rates up but still need to stay safe.

5.      CIR Committee of Interns and Residents

6.      PFML Paid Family Medical Leave – July adding the Family part

7.      Parking - access

8.      St V’s – Mass Nurses Association represents RNs at St Vincent, UFCW also doing informational picketing because of their contract and staffing (update: UFCW settled contract)

9.      Scholarship – see email or blog

10.  Questions:

  • MA law giving 3 years credit for covid retirement – for people working on site – bill at State House