SHARE Member Meeting Notes July 19, 2023

On Wednesday, July 19th, SHARE held back-to-back half-hour meetings for members, at 12:00, 12:30, and 1:00. People dropped in on their lunch break. For those who were not able to attend, below are the agenda topics (numbered) and some of the things that came up in discussion (the bullets). Please let us know if you have any questions.

1. Raises:

  • The annual SHARE raise of .75 cents should have been reflected in this week’s paycheck. The raise is .75 cents an hour for those who completed their probationary period by July 2nd.

  • For those who were in their probationary period on July 2nd you will receive a raise of 1.5% once your probationary period is completed.

  • Those who received “exceeds” or “outstanding” on their annual performance review, are entitled to a bonus. If you didn’t receive your bonus this last paycheck, please let us know and we will follow up.

2. Parking:

  • This spring UMass Chan announced parking increases.

  • The SHARE contract allows for the union to discuss these changes with the Medical School, and propose an alternative.

  • SHARE has met with Labor Relations and Operational Management to ask questions.

  • SHARE made a proposal to have a sliding scale for parking costs, based on employee’s income. We pointed out that SHARE members are paid less than many other people at UMass Chan and that these increases would be a significant hardship, that SHARE wages do not keep up with those at other institutions or with the cost of living in Worcester. We included examples of sliding scale/subsidized parking rates at other institutions including Yale and UConn (two institutions which UMass Chan considered when determining parking rates).

  • Specifically, we proposed no increase for those making under $50,000 a year, and limiting the increase to $1.00 per week for those making $50,000-$80,000 a year.

  • SHARE’s proposal will be forwarded to the Chancellor and the Board of Trustees. We have not yet received a response. SHARE members’ parking rates have not yet increased.

We will keep you posted on any updates. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out anytime!

Jana Hollingsworth       

A.J. Iaconi

Jameal Jackson

Elisabeth Szanto   

Andrea Caceres