SHARE members sometimes become frustrated by what they see as "gray areas" in the contract. In an attempt to fix some of these issues, SHARE has made a proposal in contract negotiations to systematize several department-level decisions in black-and-white.
Why the Gray?
SHARE represents almost two hundred job titles, in departments ranging from the tiny variety with two secretaries who work day shift, to enormous departments such as the Emergency Room, which has seventy-four SHARE members, in a variety of jobs, working shifts 24/7. That range leads to some complex challenges. For example, how do you write a vacation policy that would serve all those departments well, especially since they all start off with different ways of handling vacations?
SHARE's answer to that question is to emphasize the input of SHARE members in the department. The SHARE contract has always said that the way vacations are scheduled should be decided in the department, in discussions between the local SHARE members and the local managers. Our position has been that department policies will be different, and differences between departments are ok, as long as the SHARE members in each department have a say.
Most often, where SHARE encounters problems, it's not because of differences between departments, it's because of confusion. In some departments, the vacation policy is very clear because it's written down clearly. If a new manager or a group of SHARE members wants to change the policy because things have changed, they can involve everyone in that discussion. All good.
In other departments, however, the vacation policy isn't written down, and SHARE members get surprised by how it happens each year, or because changes get made without involving staff.
Developing a System for Clarifying and Including SHARE Member Input
SHARE is proposing that every department make sure they have a written policy for the parts of the contract that are left up to SHARE members and their managers to work out in the department. We'd avoid a lot of confusion and problems. SHARE and HR would provide help for any department having a tough time reaching a consensus agreement. We are working toward an agreement that would create deadlines and accountability in order to make sure these policies get documented.
(We also discussed absenteeism and the Massachusetts Earned Sick law at negotiations this week.)
Partnership Day at FMCS Chicago
A strong union is necessary for a strong partnership, says Tom Kochan of MIT |
The keynote speaker for the event was former U.S. Secretary of Labor, Robert Reich.
SHARE Organizer Will Erickson's take-away idea was that any Labor-Management partnership--however well-developed, strategically planned, and strong it may seem--is always fragile.
Both SHARE and UMass Memorial management learned about union-management partnerships in Chicago: Kati Korenda, Senior Director, Heart and Vascular Center of Excellence, and Bobbi-Jo Lewis, SHARE Co-President |
Each time SHARE talks with union folks from Kaiser Permanente, we learn more about how we might work in partnership at UMass Memorial, and what we might get out of it. Denise Duncan, President of UNAC/AFSCME, which represents RNs in Southern California told us over dinner,
"I was against this at first. But now I'm convinced that partnership is the way to go. We have UNAC members who work at Kaiser Permanente and at other more traditional employers, so I see the difference every day. Our members at Kaiser have better contracts, and a better experience day-to-day at work."
Partnership Day panel, with the Kaiser group on the left, Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld, and the LA County group on the far right. |
Future @ Work: SHARE at the FMCS Conference 2016
SHARE/UMass Memorial
Interest-Based Bargaining Facilitator,
Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld,
moderating the Partnership Day discussion
- Learn from distinguished labor, management, and new economy thought leaders
- Problem Solve at workshops focused on actual situations and practical solutions
- Network with labor relations and workplace professionals from around the country and the world
- Prepare your organization for the future with advice from experts who are forging paths to partnership and organizational success
Former U.S. Secretary of Labor, Robert Reich, delivering the keynote address at FMCS 2016 Partnership Day |
Contract Negotiations 2016: Session #2
SHARE and UMass Memorial had our second contract negotiations session on Wednesday, August 10. As we reported last week, these negotiations continue to feel different from past negotiations. One key difference is the use of “co-facilitation,” a new process involving one union and one management leader to steer each discussion. This week we continued our focus on issues from the previous session:
Interactions between SHARE members and supervisors and managers, which SHARE brought to the table. This week, Tod Wiesman (AVP, Performance, Learning, and Education) addressed the negotiators; he described the ideas that the hospital’s executive leadership is developing to train and cultivate hospital leaders.
Increasing flexibility for cross-campus floating, which management brought to the table. This week, five front-line managers were brought in to describe their interests in floating SHARE employees. We also established an additional side table to drill down further on the issue of floating.
We started with 2 difficult issues, where managers and union leaders start from very different places. We are working to understand each other, and to try to find common ground.
For more info, read on...
Of course, every round of negotiations will feel different. In the three or so years between contracts, things change. Each negotiations, SHARE welcomes a few new members to its team, and misses a few from before. That said, our team remains relatively constant: a majority of our team members have negotiated before. On the flip side, UMass Memorial has an entirely new Executive Leadership team since our previous negotiations, and the leadership of the hospital’s Labor Relations department has completely turned over since our last negotiations. This results in a new management negotiating team. While many of the members of their team bring significant experience to the table, the leaders of their team are experiencing Interest Based Bargaining for the first time.
The teams at the main table are also bigger than we’ve had in the past. This has the advantage of people bringing experiences from a wide range of departments to the discussion. Management's team is a combination of Human Resources people, and front-line and middle managers.
Though we are trying to use Interest Based Bargaining, we can't leave history behind entirely, and it’s easy to fall into old habits of traditional bargaining. We’re all working to establish good foundations for ongoing relationships, as we tackle some of the most ambitious subjects SHARE has addressed in negotiations.
A New Experiment: Co-Facilitation
One part of these negotiations that is new to everyone involved is “co-facilitation.” Our early training sessions and initial bargaining session were led by a facilitator, Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld. He trained two individuals from each side to act as neutrals, guiding the discussions about particular topics. The facilitators are:
Myra Shah, UMMMC Human Resources
Jeff Mogan, UMMMC Labor Relations
Will Erickson, SHARE
Elisabeth Szanto, SHARE
Although the facilitators each come from within the teams of negotiators, when they’re in the role of co-facilitator, they put on a different hat. Their job is to make sure that the conversation is flowing, and that we’re driving toward conclusions efficiently. They also help to make sure that notes are being captured accurately. (One other unique aspect of this negotiations is that notes are being taken and displayed, in real time, on an overhead projector.)
We’ll keep the updates coming on the blog. To learn more, and weigh in about either of the topics we’ve discussed, and about what topics are coming up, please join us at an upcoming SHARE Information Meeting about Contract Negotiations.
SHARE Information meetings about Contract Negotiations
Hahnemann: Mon, August 22 11:30-1:30 2nd floor conference room
306 Belmont: Fri, September 9 11:30-1:30 Conference room D
Tri-River: Fri, September 23 11:30-1:30 Community Room
Contract Negotiations 2016: Our First Session
SHARE and UMass Memorial had their first contract negotiations session last Wednesday. For those of us on the SHARE Negotiating Team who have negotiated several contracts before this, this session seemed really different. Our training on Interest Based Bargaining, and our choice to have a facilitator to run negotiations, are positive changes.
Here’s what we accomplished at our first session:
Set up side tables to negotiations to work on specific issues.
Mapped out a schedule of when each issue will be discussed. We’ve never done this before, and we think it will help make sure we are moving forward quickly.
Began discussions about 2 issues:
Interactions between SHARE members and supervisors and managers, which SHARE brought to the table.
Increasing flexibility for cross-campus floating, which management brought to the table.
We worked hard to understand each other’s interests in bringing this issue forward, and to begin brainstorm solutions that everyone might be able to agree to. No agreements were made on either issue yet.
For more info about either of these 2 topics and about what topics are being discussed at negotiations, or to put in your opinion, please join us at SHARE Information Meetings about Contract Negotiations.
Contract Negotiations Side Tables
- Teams & Culture Side Table– This side table (who might change their name once they get started) is looking at examples of team-based work systems in other places to see what we want to try here at UMass Memorial. At Kaiser Permanente, unit based teams help groups do process improvement to make the work easier, and train everyone on how to work together as a team. SHARE believes a team structure also could improve how SHARE members and supervisors and managers work together, which was a big priority coming out of the SHARE member survey last fall (link to SHARE letter and survey results).
- Career Development Side Table – SHARE wants to increase ways for SHARE members to learn and grow in their jobs and to build careers at UMass Memorial. A group will also discuss how internal applications and transfers are working.
- In-patient PCA Staffing Side Table – This side table will look at how the patient care model is working on the inpatient floors. SHARE hopes to address PCAs’ concerns about how many patients they have to provide care for. (Staffing is a big concern for many SHARE members – we will be discussing staffing for other areas at the Main Table.)
- Call-Back and Sleep Time Side Table – This side table is tackling issues for SHARE members who take call.
- In addition, mini side table groups will discuss salary scales for peer-slotted titles in SHARE, the pension floor to protect lower paid SHARE members, and 401K auto-enrollment for new employees.
Contract Negotiations: Negotiating about How to Negotiate
Respect and What SHARE Members Think Makes a Good Supervisor or Manager
- Involve staff in decisions, ask our opinions
- Share information often & with everyone
- Pitch in when we are short-staffed
- Good listener, and available
- Open to new ideas
- Treat everyone fairly
- Help us fix problems
- Give recognition for hard work
- Micro-manage – not trust staff to do their jobs
- Favoritism: Treat some people better than others
- Criticize someone in front of co- workers or patients
- Think s/he knows best
- Not understanding the work we do
- “Run hot and cold” or add drama to the workplace
Free Online Associate Degrees for SHARE Members
The degree programs are currently limited to Associate of Business Management, Associate of Criminal Justice, and Associate of Arts (which can be used to progress into baccalaureate programs including psychology, sociology, English, history, fine arts, and communications). An Early Childhood Education degree will be offered beginning next year.
The program is designed to welcome traditional as well as non-traditional students, including those who have been out of school for a long time, and to be flexible, allowing participants to work while earning their degree. And the degrees are designed to parallel the first two years of related Bachelor's Degree programs to make the coursework transferable.
SHARE is extremely excited for this new offering. If you run into difficulty finding answers to any questions, we're happy to help: please call the SHARE office at 508-929-4020.
SHARE PCAs, LPNs, and MAs – Do you want to go back to school? A great opportunity is back!
Phasing Out of "Spousal Coordination"
Spousal coordination required SHARE members hired after 7/1/2008 to put their spouse on the spouse's employer's health insurance, if possible, even if the SHARE member purchased a family plan to cover children. UMass Memorial reimbursed the cost of the spouse's individual plan, and paid any extra to "top off" the spouse's coverage so that the employee didn't lose anything. It was supposed to cost no more to the SHARE member, but save UMass Memorial money.
UMass Memorial had proposed the plan to SHARE, feeling that area companies rely on the hospital's good health insurance coverage for spouses, saving those other companies money.
SHARE members thought spousal coordination was confusing, and a lot of paperwork to get reimbursed.
SHARE (and probably many others) had complained about spousal coordination to Human Resources. We asked if it really did save the hospital money, once the additional work was taken into account.
Human Resources has decided to discontinue the plan this year: New employees won't be signed up for it starting now, and SHARE members who already have won't anymore in the next health insurance year, starting January 2017.
HR has told SHARE that they are committed to helping SHARE members with the transition if there are problems with the timing of the spouse's health insurance year.
We stand in solidarity with all those affected by this senseless violence, directly or indirectly, and especially with our own LGBTQ, Latino, and Muslim communities here at UMass Memorial Hospital and UMass Medical School.
No Voting Required This Year for SHARE Rep and Executive Board Members
Congratulations to the new and returning SHARE representatives, who are now considered elected! A list of all SHARE Reps and Executive Board members will be posted soon, right here on this blog.
Questions? Please call the SHARE office at 508-929-4020.
Opthalmic Techs Vote to Join SHARE!
SHARE Leader Nominations Open
Nominations are due in the SHARE office by Thursday, May 19th at 5pm. If there are too many candidates running for any position, we will have an election on June 16.
To read all about how to nominate someone, what SHARE Reps do, and all the rest of the information, click here for the full letter. (You may have already seen this letter in your mail at home.)
SHARE Phones Are Back
SHARE Phones are Down
In the meantime, click here for a list of email addresses for SHARE Organizers.
Saving for Retirement: Advice for Young (and Not-So-Young) Workers
Among other things, Lifehacker advises readers not to miss out on an employer’s matching contribution. That advice becomes even more valuable for SHARE members next year, when UMass Memorial doubles its match, as described in the Pension Reform section on page 3 of the most recent SHARE-UMMHC Contract Agreement.
Union-Management Partnership: the Kaiser Permanente Approach
SHARE reps at Memorial talking with KP leaders |
Walter Allen and Marie Monrad from Kaiser Permanente with Nancy Bickford and Bobbi-Jo Lewis of the SHARE EBoard |
SHARE believes that an employer needs a strong partner in order for partnership to be successful. A critical component to any employee engagement strategy is that the front-line workers need to be safe to participate. A good employer can and should respect employees, but any employer’s goodwill and benevolence has its limits. Employees require their own, independent source of power.
- Healing Together: The Labor Management Partnership at Kaiser Permanente is a book written by a group of academics who studied the partnership.
- The Labor Management Partnership itself has a robust website. Among other things, it includes:
- Kaiser Permanente's definition of partnership
- The unique history of the partnership
- A series of videos like the one above in which frontline employees describe their experience with Partnership
- Information about Unit Based Teams
- Their unions' current and complete national contract agreement
- The Coalition of Unions maintains its own website. In addition to summaries of the contract agreement, this site includes:
- A history of the Coalition
- A full list of the participating unions
- A handout summarizing how partnership is designed to keep problem-solving local
- And, of course, more information about member hospitals and health insurance plans can be found in this brief snapshot of the organization and throughout the main website for Kaiser Permenente