Nominations and Elections of SHARE Representatives

A Notice of Nominations & Elections for SHARE Leaders was sent to SHARE members at home earlier this month. Below is a copy of that information.


Nominations for SHARE Reps and Executive Board Members open until noon on Tuesday, January 9, 2024.

Elections for any contested positions January 11-16, 2024.

It is time to elect SHARE Reps and Executive Board members! We are looking forward to having as many members as possible participate to keep our union strong.

You must be a dues-paying SHARE member to vote or to nominate someone. You must have been a member for at least 6 months to run for a SHARE leadership position. If you have not yet signed a SHARE membership card, please go to or talk to a SHARE Rep or Organizer.




Descriptions of the different roles

Below are brief descriptions of the roles of Union Reps and Executive Board Members. If you want to talk about what it would be like to be a SHARE Rep or to be on the Executive Board, or if you have other questions, please call the SHARE office at 508-929-4020, or talk to someone you know who is involved with SHARE.


SHARE Representatives: A Rep is a contact person for their area. SHARE Reps get training from SHARE to relay information between co-workers and union leadership. The scope of the role can be as big or small as you want.

SHARE Executive Board Members: Executive Board members have responsibility for the whole union. They make decisions about the direction of our union and participate in contract negotiations. There are 4 officer positions and 4 at-large positions.

Reps are elected for 1 year. Executive Board Members are elected for 2 years, half in even numbered years and half in odd numbered years. Elections are usually held in the fall -- this one was delayed, so the terms will be slightly shorter.

Leadership positions up for election this year

SHARE Representatives – 40 positions (terms expire October 2024)

·         Reps at Main Campus, ForHealth Consulting, and Offsite Locations

SHARE Executive Board Members – 6 positions (terms expire Oct 2024 or Oct 2025)

·         President; Secretary; two at-large Executive Board members (terms expire Oct 2025)

·         Two at-large Executive Board members (partial terms expiring Oct 2024)



To run for SHARE Rep or Executive Board member

1.      You must be nominated in writing by a SHARE member (a co-worker or yourself).

2.      You must be a dues-paying SHARE member for at least 6 months prior to the election.

3.      Current SHARE Reps who wish to continue as Reps need to be nominated again this year.


To nominate someone for SHARE Rep or Executive Board member

1.      You must be a dues-paying SHARE member.

2.      Please send written nominations:

·         by email to; or

·         by fax to (508) 929-4040; or

·         by U.S. mail to SHARE, 50 Lake Ave, Worcester, MA 01604.

3.      Nominations should include:

·         the name, department and phone number of the person being nominated;

·         the position for which they are being nominated; and

·         the name and phone number of the person submitting the nomination.

4.      Nominations must arrive at the SHARE office by noon on January 9, 2024. We cannot accept late nominations.



Determining whether there will be an election

After the close of the nomination period, all eligible nominees will be offered the opportunity to decline the nomination. Anyone who does not decline is then a candidate. If there are more candidates than positions to fill, then we will hold an election from noon on Thursday, January 11 to noon on Tuesday, January 16, 2024. If there are enough positions for all nominees, then they are considered elected. All SHARE members will be notified about whether any elections are contested.

How voting works if there is an election

The election will be held by electronic ballot, hosted professionally by, an online voting service that meets the standards set by the U.S. Department of Labor and by our parent union, AFSCME.

ElectionBuddy will send a link to your cell phone and/or email account for you to vote securely online. You can provide your cell phone number and/or personal email address, or request a ballot by mail, by emailing or talking to a SHARE staff organizer. The SHARE office phone number is 508-929-4020

The votes will be counted by ElectionBuddy and results will be available online to all SHARE members immediately after voting ends.