Performance Bonus Payouts

Some SHARE members who received Exceeds or Outstanding in their performance review last spring have had to wait a while for their bonuses. If a department submitted the paperwork on time, then the bonus was paid in July. We were told at the time that bonuses for performance evaluations submitted late would still be paid, but there might be a delay while they are processed. The delay turned out to be considerably longer than expected.

We have been talking with HR Labor Relations almost every week since July to get these later bonuses paid, and they have been talking with the departments, with HR Compensation, and with Payroll. The good news is that almost every SHARE member who has been waiting should receive their bonus in this week’s check.

We are aware that a handful of bonuses have still not been processed. If yours is one of them, please email We will keep at this until you get what you are owed.