Coronavirus - Working & Getting Paid

Getting Information

We want to make sure that everyone is getting the information that they need. UMass Medical School is relying on managers to be the point of contact for employees. If that is happening in your department, then the system is working. If not, we would be happy to help get you more information. The goal right now is for everyone to be as safe as possible, to “flatten the curve” of the COVID-19 spread, to maintain the services that are necessary, and for no one to suffer financially.

Working and Getting Paid

You may already have heard this from your manager but, if not, here is what we have been told by Human Resources. All of this applies at least through April 3. There will be more information before April 3 about what happens after that.

There are 3 categories of people. Managers determine which category everyone is in. You have hopefully already been notified by your manager which category applies to you:

  1. Essential personnel who have to report to work

  2. People who can work from home

  3. People who do not have to report to work and cannot work from home

Category 1 people will be paid Comp time for every hour worked on site, as in the Severe Weather policy.

Category 2 people will be paid regularly for working from home

Category 3 people will be paid “administratively” their regular pay rate by the Medical School

People currently out on a Leave of Absence will continue to use their time. People on vacation will use their time (but if, for example, your cruise was cancelled and you are available to work, let your manager know to change your status so you don’t have to use your vacation time.)

Social Distancing and Social Support

At his virtual Town Hall meeting today, Chancellor Collins re-emphasized that the most important thing everyone can do to help slow the spread of COVID-19 is to practice social distancing, and wash your hands. Everyone who gets sick, even people who don’t show symptoms, can pass it on to more vulnerable people. So please, stay safe, and keep others safe.

At the same time that we all avoid physical contact, it is important to stay connected virtually. If there is anything we can do to support you in this very complicated time, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We are mostly working remotely, but can easily be reached by email, and are happy to phone or text.