SHARE Member Meeting Notes 10/21/2020

On Wednesday, October 21, SHARE held back-to-back half-hour meetings for members, at 12:00, 12:30, and 1:00. People dropped in on their lunch break. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 18. We will send an email reminder with the Zoom link in mid-November.

For those who were not able to attend, below are the agenda topics (numbered) and some of the things that came up in discussion (the bulleted points). Please let us know if you have any questions.


SHARE Member Meeting Notes - Wednesday, 10/21/2020, 12:00-1:30pm

  1. Using Zoom - Quick overview on Muting/Unmuting, Video, using Chat, for computer or phone

  2. Introductions – name, department, and where you work (on-site or home or mixed)

  3. Being an effective union during a pandemic

    • We formed the union because employees wanted a community where we could support each other and have a say in decisions that affect us

    • The union leadership is still doing the same work during the pandemic as ever: responding to questions, helping individuals with issues, and addressing departmental or union-wide questions

    • Pre-pandemic, face-to-face one-on-one and group meetings were a big part of how we pro-actively built connections to keep the union strong… obviously, that doesn’t work so well now

    • We are experimenting with other ways to do the work of building connections between people: monthly member meetings; written updates; special meetings for new members to learn about the union; individual outreach calls

    • Please email if you have suggestions of how to keep people connected during this disconnected time

  4. Scholarship opportunities – if you have college-bound seniors, there are a few union scholarships they can apply for - check the SHARE blog for details

  5. Furlough & Layoff update

    The furloughed SHARE members asked us to pass on a big “Thank You” to other SHARE members. They really appreciate the vote in May to give up the 2020 raise in exchange for extra protections for the people who were losing their jobs – it has made a big difference for them and their families.

  • 9 of the furloughed SHARE members were called back to their regular jobs or found other jobs

  • 3 have had their original position eliminated but will continue to have jobs working in the testing program for now

  • 11 of have been told that their jobs are being eliminated and they will be laid off

  • 5 more are either still fully furloughed or working half time, and waiting to find out if their positions will be fully restored

  • SHARE is providing support to the laid off employees as they decide what to do next: retire, go back to school, look for another job at UMMS, look for another job elsewhere, etc.

  • Laid off employees have negotiated rights to a paid notice period, severance pay, recall rights to their old job if it returns, and internal preference for looking for other jobs at UMMS, for 2 years

  • Being furloughed instead of laid off in June also means that they have continued to have health insurance and other benefits this whole time, and the health insurance will continue until December 31

6. Chancellor’s town hall

  • Work from home – will continue at least through the end of the year, likely longer

  • Flu shot – new dates coming up, and we discussed the legality and opt-out options

  • Parking and construction – there will be fewer spots, people with reserved parking will be able to stay in the garages, unreserved parking will not be allowed in the on-campus garages anymore, some people may have to park at the Plantation Street garage

  • Early retirement – no news from the State on any early retirement plan

7. Voting - Remember to vote! You can vote in person on November 3, in person early, or by mail

8. AFSCME Advantage

    • being a dues-paying SHARE member makes you a member of our parent union, AFSCME

    • you can get access to some benefits through AFSCME using your AFSCME membership number

    • contact a SHARE staff person if you don’t know your AFSCME membership number