So Fun! 20th Anniversary Celebration on the University Campus

SHARE: 20 Years Old
3200 Strong
By the Numbers

Nine hundred attendees, give or take a few. That’s how many people dropped in for SHARE’s 20th Anniversary Celebration on the University Campus. SHARE members came down during lunchtime to the Faculty Conference Room from desks and bedsides and lab benches, and even bussed over from other campuses.

In other nifty statistics, our celebration had nine raffle winners. More importantly, altogether, the raffle participants contributed nearly five hundred dollars to the UMass Medicine Cancer Walk and Run.

SHARE Rep Rich Leufstedt
reprises his famous "SHARE Song"
A Festive Atmosphere

We were excited to catch up with old friends: SHARE retirees, SHARE members who have been promoted to management positions, and some beloved SHARE members who have moved on to other careers. Joining us, too, were many guests, including students, faculty, nurses, executive leaders from our Hospital and Medical School, members of sister unions, and even a few folks who just wandered in wondering what the hubbub was about.  

We ate. We sang. We marveled a bit at how SHARE’s values of kindness and respect have translated into policies and work systems that enable SHARE members to participate at work. We did an awful lot of smiling.

SHARE-UMMS EBoard Member AJ Iaconi
describes how a Joint Working Group
at the Critical Care Unit has improved working conditions
and patient care

Support from an Old Friend

Congressman Jim McGovern
commended the courage of employees
who voted to unionize
Congressman Jim McGovern returned with some keynote remarks to the University Campus where he championed our union in the beginning. He reminisced about the unscoopable frozen-solid ice cream that we chiseled into servings at a rally back-in-the-day. He distinctly remembered, he said, coming away from that event as a great admirer of the trailblazers at SHARE. And he reminded us that, twenty years ago, the formation of SHARE was the result of the largest organizing effort central Massachusetts had seen in over sixty years.

Congressman McGovern encouraged us to continue being brave in our efforts, saying that SHARE members were not only important to one another in the room, and to our institutions, but because we’re a vital union that makes the middle class possible.
More to Come in SHARE’s 20th Year

SHARE-UMMS Executive Board Member
Val Mount talks about
the importance of unions to Central Mass

The event also marked a great kickoff occasion leading into next-year’s contract negotiations. Both SHARE at UMass Medical School and SHARE at UMass Memorial Hospital will sit down at the table with our respective employers next year.

In the coming year, at anniversary events throughout our campuses, we’ll continue celebrating, and reflecting, and thinking ahead together. To keep up, be sure to subscribe to the SHARE blog, and check in to learn about developments at

New SHARE/JOIN Fellow Eve Feldberg explains
how an increased minimum wage
benefits SHARE members and other members of our community

SHARE Rep and PCA Kona Enders
describes how SHARE members stick together

Nice shout-out from Congressman McGovern on his Facebook page!