SHARE Raise, Merit Award, Vacation Caps and July 4th Holiday

We hope that you are having a great summer so far! We wanted to remind you about a couple of things that are happening this month:

Your raise for 2015 has gone into effect June 28th, 2015 and it will be reflected on your July 17th paycheck. The raise is 2% or $0.40, whichever is higher for employees who have successfully completed their probationary period. The minimums and maximums of each grade increased by 1.5%.

SHARE Merit Award
This year as part of SHARE’s salary increase, employees with an “Exceeds” rating in their performance evaluation will receive an additional $100 lump sum, and those with an “Outstanding” rating will receive a $250 lump sum. The lump sum payout will be delivered in your July 17th paycheck.

Vacation Caps
Vacation caps were lowered from 280 to 240 hours. If you had vacation accruals above the 240-hours cap, a one-time payout for the hours in excess of the cap will appear on your July 3rd, 2015 paycheck.

July 4th Holiday
Most SHARE members will not have to work tomorrow, Friday July 3. Some SHARE members may be required to work in order to keep their department open that day. Those employees will have Monday, July 6 off. There is more information about the July 4th holiday posted here: Questions about July 3

If you have more questions about any of this, talk to a SHARE rep in your area, or call the SHARE office at 508-929-4020.

Happy Independence Day!