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SHARE Members Ratify the Contract Agreement with UMass Memorial

It’s official! SHARE’s agreement has been approved by the members.

The vote was 97.4% in favor (1447 “yes” votes; 38 “no” votes)


The hospital’s payroll department currently projects the following schedule for raises:

  • The new pay rates will be reflected in the May 9 paycheck

  • The retro check will come separately on May 16 (the retro check will include the overtime on everything dating back to last October, as though we had made the agreement back then, and so will include overtime hours, etc.)

Note that because the Retro comes as a lump-sum payment, the federal government requires that the withholding rate be at the notorious 40% rate. Since that’s obviously not the tax rate for any of our members, the overage will be credited back when it’s tax return time.

The next raise in the agreement is scheduled to come in October of this year.


We’re looking forward to focusing the union’s efforts to improve members’ day-to-day experience at work. Among other things, the refined Contract language about breaks will help members get time away from patients and workstations. New provisions in our Staffing language make it even easier for members to have productive conversations with hospital leadership about staffing levels within departments. And Unit Based Teams will be coming to more departments soon.


Thank you to everyone who helped make this a strong contract agreement—talking together about negotiations, and singing, and showing your SHARE pride—and to everyone who was able to come out and vote. Your participation makes the difference.


We’ve still got copies of the beautiful poster featuring photos of hundreds of Proud SHARE members. If you’d like a copy to post in your department, please let us know (508-929-4020) and we will bring one to you. Thanks!