Error in Retirement Contribution Affects SHARE Members Who Work for the Medical School

The State Retirement Board recently figured out that the University of Massachusetts hadn’t been deducting the correct amount of money from UMass state employees for their pensions. It’s been in the news a bunch in the last few days. Hospital employees who work for UMass Memorial are NOT affected by this problem, though the news coverage has been confusing.

About 150 SHARE members who work for the Medical School are potentially affected, and may have to pay back money that should have been deducted since 2002. Some members are being told they owe thousands of dollars. These employees had no idea that there was an error in their retirement contributions. SHARE believes that the employees should not have to pay back the money – it wasn’t their mistake.

Click here to see Medical School SHARE member Antonio Jimenez and SHARE Organizer Jana Hollingsworth on tonight’s Channel 3 news – it starts at about 4:50 minutes into the news.

If you want more info, you can check out these posts on the SHARE Medical School blog: here, here, and here.