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Jerry Clark Memorial Scholarship

Hi all,

We just received an announcement from our parent organization, AFSCME, announcing the Jerry Clark Memorial Scholarship for sophomores majoring in social sciences who are children of AFSCME members:

The Jerry Clark Memorial Scholarship Program is an ongoing program available to children of AFSCME members. Under the program, one scholarship in the amount of $5,000 will be awarded annually to two students majoring in the social sciences for his/her junior and senior years of study. The chosen students will also be given the opportunity to intern at the International Union headquarters in the Political Action department during the summer between his/her junior and senior year or for one semester during his/her junior or senior year. Once awarded, the scholarship will be renewed for the senior year of study, provided the students remain enrolled in a full-time course of study as a social science major.
Any student in his/her sophomore year of study who is enrolled in a full-time four-year degree program in any accredited college or university, and whose parent, legal guardian, or financially responsible grandparent is an AFSCME member and who meets the following requirements is eligible to apply for the scholarship:
A.The student must have a Grade Point Average of 2.5 or above.

B.The student must be a social science (i.e., political science, sociology, ethnic studies, communications, etc.) major at an accredited college or university.

For full details, and to download an application, visit the Jerry Clark Memorial Scholarship homepage.
