2021 SHARE Raise Update


The 2021 SHARE raises will be delivered next week, in the July 23 paycheck. There will be a small amount of retro owed, due to the 2-week delay. The retro will be paid out in the August 6 paycheck.


SHARE members who received a performance evaluation of “Exceeds” or “Outstanding” are entitled to receive a lump-sum bonus. Bonuses will be paid in the July 23 paycheck, as long as the performance evaluations were submitted by the department to Human Resources on time. Bonuses for performance evaluations submitted late will still be paid, but there may be a delay while they are processed.


If you have questions about your raise, see this previous post, reach out to your local SHARE rep or staff organizer, or email us at SHARE.UMMS@theshareunion.org.