SHARE Raises Update

We are very happy that the Chancellor announced on December 22 that SHARE members and non-union staff would get raises that week. Because the decision was made quickly, eligible SHARE members were given the same 2% raises as non-union staff, instead of the raises negotiated by SHARE (see “What am I supposed to get?” #2 Basic Raise, below).  However, it is great news that there is a raise this year, and when we are done sorting everything out, SHARE members will get the raise and retro they are entitled to.

SHARE is working with Human Resources to correct these errors for our members. There are a few aspects of the SHARE raise program that only apply to us, and those were also left out last week. We are working together to make sure that SHARE members get everything that they are supposed to get, in accordance with our contract.

Q. Why was our raise delayed from the summer?

A. SHARE members agreed last spring that we would get our July 2020 negotiated raise this year if and when the Medical School gave the non-union staff a raise. This was part of a larger deal that included extending our contract another year, guaranteeing us a raise in July 2021, and adding protections for SHARE members who were facing layoff. It was the right choice to make at the time, and it has worked out well for us.

Q. What about the retro?

A. Next week’s check is scheduled to have the retroactive portion of the raise, but this too may be less than it was supposed to be. If the amount of your raise was wrong last week, then the amount of your retro may be wrong next week. When we get the raise rates corrected, we will also make sure that you get your full retro amount.

Q. What am I supposed to get?

A. It depends on what you make and how long you have worked here. There are several components of the SHARE raise program. The Basic Raise (part 2) and Retro (part 5) apply to everyone with satisfactory performance. The other parts only affect some people.

MIN: The first part of the process is to increase the grade minimums (see the 6/21/2020 scale on p. 49 of the SHARE contract.) If your pay rate is below the new minimum for your grade then you get a raise to the new minimum regardless of when you were hired.

BASIC RAISE: The second part depends on when you were hired. If you were hired:

  • On or before 12/23/2019 then you are eligible for the full raise. The raise is either $0.50 or 2%, whichever is more for you. It would be effective 6/21/2020.

  • 12/24/2019-6/21/2020 then you are eligible for a probationary raise of 1.5%, effective starting the first full pay period after your 6-month probation ended.

  • 6/22/2020-12/21/2020 then you are not eligible for this raise but you will get the full raise in July 2021.

MAX: The third part is that no one’s base pay can go above their grade max. If your raise would put your rate above grade max then you get the grade max as an hourly rate, and the part that would be over max gets paid as a bonus. For example, if my grade max is $25.00; my current rate is $24.60; my raise is $0.50; and I work 40 hours/week:

  • My raise + my current rate = $25.10, which is over max. So my new rate is $25.00.

  • I get the extra as a bonus: $0.10/hour  x  40 hours/week  x  52 weeks/year = $208.00

STRUCTURE: The fourth part makes sure that no one falls too far behind in their grade for their years of service to UMMS. This is a complicated process – See “Do I need to understand the Structure Raise?” below.

RETRO: The fifth part is to calculate your retro pay based on your correct raise amount and the effective date of the raise.

PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL BONUS: The sixth part is that people who received an “Exceeds” rating on their performance evaluation will get a $100 bonus and people who received an “Outstanding” rating will get a $250 bonus.

Q. Do I need to understand the Structure Raise?

A. Only if you want to. The structure raise affects less than 10% of SHARE members per year. It will be calculated as part of your overall raise, to make sure you aren’t falling behind in your grade. You don’t need to do anything special to make sure it happens.

Here is a little more detail, if you want it…

After your basic raise is added to your old rate, and if you have had satisfactory performance in the last 2 years, then:

  • If you have 5 full years of service then your pay is compared to the 25% structure point.

  • If you have 10 full years of service then your pay is compared to midpoint (50% structure point.)

  • If you have 15 years of service then your pay is compared to the 75% structure point.

If your pay rate, after your basic raise, is below the right structure point for your years, then you get an extra raise, up to 5% more. The raise is either whatever it takes to get you to the right structure point for your years, or 5%, whichever is less. If your rate doesn’t get all the way to the right structure point this time, then you will be considered for a structure raise again after the July 2021 raise.