Looking Back: An Earlier Trip to ThedaCare

“Three jumbo jets,” my co-worker, SHARE staff-organizer Will Erickson, said to me, just about a year ago. “That's how many people we kill every day in this country, despite having the supposed best healthcare system in the world.” It’s a rough quote of something that he had heard during his own trip to check out Thedacare. Now that SHARE staff-organizer Janet Wilder is just back from her visit to Appleton, I'm reminded of this conversation. I think it provides some useful context for Janet's more recent report. Here are some of Will's impressions:

KD: What is ThedaCare?

WE: ThedaCare is a mid-sized hospital system in northern Wisconsin. It's got about 5500 employees. So, it's half the size of our place, but spread out. The real reason Thedacare is interesting is because it went from being, you know, a decent hospital, and it became one of the first hospitals in the country -- in the early aughts, under the leadership of this guy John Toussaint -- to try to figure out why factories make so many fewer errors than hospitals . . . despite the fact that hospital staff are so extraordinarily well-trained.

KD: Factories?

WE: I think John Toussaint is an interesting guy. When he became CEO, he figured, you don't get to be CEO forever, so you need to pick one thing that you can work on. Basically he was to bring Lean into the hospital. He did it because he was so horrified by the degree of death and disability that our healthcare system creates. You know healthcare is the third leading cause of death in the country? You’ve got heart disease, then cancer, and then being a patient. Only so many of these are like “oopsie” medication errors. They’re system errors, times when the field of medicine knew what would have saved a person, but that thing didn’t get done.

KD: So ThedaCare’s reputation grew out of an idea that hospitals should stop allowing unnecessary deaths?

WE: Basically, yes. That's what he Toussaint kept saying over and over while we were there: three jumbo jets.  That's how many people we kill every day in this country, despite having the supposed best healthcare system in the world. That defect rate would not be tolerated in any other industry. So Toussaint figured, you don't get to work on everything--so my thing, the thing that I was gonna do--was figure out how to eliminate those kinds of errors. And we're gonna do that through our processes.

KD: Taking care of patients is different from making snowblowers. Why did they think that factory production methods would be appropriate in a hospital?

WE: Toussaint basically said, I went to my friend Don Berwick asked, ‘What other hospitals are doing this?’ And he said, ‘you could be the first one.’ So Toussaint spent some number of months touring around, looking at factories, trying to figure why their defect rates are so low. He got criticized for that. His response to that was, if only we treated patients as well as the guys down the road treat their lawnmowers, we would be saving a hundred thousand people every year in this country.

The long and short of it is that ThedaCare now, ten years later, is the safest, the cheapest, lowest-mortality hospital in the country. They are now able to see to treat twice as many patients.

KD: Don’t employees there worry they could put themselves out of a job if they’re too efficient?

Thedacare really really believes in -- they evangelize about -- their no layoff philosophy. They have a commonsensical view that the people are gonna be wary of of improving themselves out of a job, or their friends out of job.

KD: So how did they do what they did?

WE: They did all of that by focusing on three things. They're always trying to improve quality, lower cost, and engage staff. This is where John Toussaint really started to catch my attention. He said something like, You know, it's easy to work on one of those things. You can go through and make a particular system cheaper by slashing and burning, but your quality will go down, and your staff is going to be angry. Or you could, I suppose, go around and hand ice cream cones out to the staff to make them happier to work there. Maybe that would work for a little while. But the magical thing about healthcare is that as you improve quality, you lower cost. But you can't really improve quality without without engaging staff.

Your people are the same as our people. They’ve gotten into the profession for the right reasons, to come to work every day, wanting to do an awesome job, deliver great care. Shame on all of us hospital leaders for perpetuating the systems that prevent them from being able to do that, to live out their vocation. People come to work wanting to doing awesome job. They want to work in harmony with their team and their institution. They want to have meaningful work.

KD: That sounds like stuff that SHARE has been saying all along, explaining to hospital leaders that if they want to improve systems, that has to be done by the people who know the work best, the people who do it every day.  We’ve seen a lot of dud ideas from previous leaders of our hospital. They hire outside consultants, contract trainers who preach trendy customer service techniques, and fall in love with successful hospitals elsewhere, little of which has improved the work-life of SHARE members. What made you interested to go all the way to Wisconsin to check out ThedaCare firsthand?

WE: Partly, I went because I was accepting an invitation from Eric Dickson. He’s very interested in the model of healthcare that ThedaCare provides. I went with a few different VP’s and Directors from UMass Memorial. We were all scoping the place out. Going there, I knew that ThedaCare has front-line employees at the center of the decision-making, and I’m looking for any excuse to make that happen in our hospital.

Five-Tidbit Friday: October 16, 2015


During the period that SHARE and the hospital were negotiating the current contract, new-hires to SHARE positions were mistakenly credited with one year less credit than they should have been. After a too-long period working have the error corrected, those SHARE employees are finally getting their pay righted. Each one will receive a small raise to correct the miscalculation, plus all of the retro back to January 1, 2012.


Did you know that yesterday was Global Handwashing Day, “an opportunity to design, test, and replicate creative ways to encourage people to wash their hands with soap and water at critical times?” Did you know that one trillion germs can live in one gram of poop?


Today is National Mammography Day, and we’d like to appreciate SHARE members in the Mammography departments at UMass Memorial. You can learn more about breast cancer, and about how to create your own early detection program, through the National Breast Cancer Foundation.


One running theme on this blog has been about the concept of happiness: how we can make work more enjoyable, strategies for reducing stress, etc. In the interest of addressing the subject more thoroughly, here’s William Davies cautioning an audience to be wary of what he calls “the happiness agenda.”


SHARE members with student-loan debt are not alone in their uphill efforts to pay off schooling costs. If you’re currently considering further education, it can be hard to make sense of all of your options, but it will be worth your while to minimize the problem of debt by making informed borrowing decisions from the outset, including from your college’s advisors (or, for a free online alternative, check out collegepoint.info).

One of the most frustrating realities of the situation is that many debt-relief funds go unspent because those who need them don’t know how to find them. Many graduates don’t realize, for example, that some jobs could make them more likely to qualify for federal loan forgiveness than others, particularly community service jobs such as those in hospitals and schools.  Until college is free, we’ll keep reporting out information about education funds for SHARE members.

See you here next Friday! Don't forget to wash your hands. Hope you have a great weekend. 

Five-Tidbit Friday: October 9, 2015

FREE CLASSES Did you know you could take free online courses, many of them for credit, from other leading universities such as MIT, Harvard, BU, Columbia, Berkeley, and Berklee at edx.org?

WATCH THIS In this video, Margaret Heffernan makes a compelling case for getting rid of the pecking order, ditching “the superchicken model,” and helping one another at work.

JANET SAYS HI This weekend, SHARE organizer Janet Wilder joins UMass Memorial system leaders in Appleton, Wisconsin to look under the hood at Thedacare, a hospital network that claims “employees [of Thedacare] created a hospital department from the ground up – not only changing how rooms were designed, but also how care is delivered at the bedside. Janet will have a full report when she gets back.

WORKPLACE DEMOCRACY Earlier this week, Senator Bernie Sanders introduced The Workplace Democracy Act, an amendment to the National Labor Relations Act designed to undo “Right-to-Work” laws and other barriers to unions. Meanwhile, the White House hosted the Summit on Worker Voice.


See you here next Friday! Hope you have a great weekend.

Do You Know Your Department's Severe Weather Policy?

If you’ve worked at UMass Memorial through a snowy Winter, you probably know that, along with sloppy weather, there comes some confusion. We encourage you to plan ahead, and know what to do when travel conditions get tough.

Weather is coming
Now is a good time to remind your manager that they should cover your severe weather plan in a meeting with all of the staff in a staff meeting. If there is no plan, or it needs updating, we encourage SHARE members to be involved in figuring out what works for their department. See the Severe Weather Policy on page 103 of the SHARE Contract, which includes the following guidelines:

In order for employees to know what their responsibilities are in the case of severe weather, departments are encouraged to develop plans for their areas within the framework of the hospital plan. . . . Employees are encouraged to participate in the development of the plan for their department. Department severe weather plans could include: what staffing level is required in the case of severe weather (such as full staffing, skeletal staffing, or no staffing necessary); how employees will find out if they are required to be at work that day, who to call and how to reach them; and whether there is a difference in their department between the plan for severe weather and the plan for a declared state of emergency. Department managers should review the severe weather plan for their department with all employees annually before winter weather begins.

If you would like help developing or revising the policy for your department, please contact the SHARE office.

Five-Tidbit Friday: October 2, 2015

This is the seventh installment of Five Tidbit Friday, and this week we’ve got news items ranging from near to far and back again.

  • CANCER WALK Congratulations to participants of this year’s cancer walk! The roughly thirteen thousand participants this year have raised nearly $400,000 for cancer research and care. 20150927_093855.jpg

  • OTHER UNIONS, OTHER HOSPITALS The Kaiser Permanente Union Coalition has recently ratified a new contract agreement. The coalition represents over 100,000 healthcare employees, primarily in states along the west coast. This group of unions coordinates the largest Labor Management Partnership in the country. SHARE has been watching Kaiser Permanente closely, and in particular their “Unit-Based Teams” approach, which is designed to put employees directly in charge of important work-design decisions. Among other things, the new KP agreement includes:
    • Increased funds for employee training programs and for members’ tuition reimbursement,  
    • Increased training and accountability for frontline managers, and
    • New tools and support to increase the effectiveness of the Unit Based Teams
You can find even more highlights from the Kaiser Permanante agreement online, and read more about the effectiveness of the Labor Management Partnership in this report out of MIT.

  • INNOVATIONS in HEALTHCARE The Legal Services Corporation recently announced that Community Legal Aid in Worcester, Massachusetts will receive a 24-month $209,524 Pro Bono Innovation Fund grant to develop a partnership with UMass Memorial Medical Center. The model will address legal needs that can negatively impact the health of low-income and minority communities and interfere with healthcare providers’ ability to improve the health of these patients.

  • FREE SPEECH at WORK In national news, an NLRB complaint against Quicken Loans could redefine the rules of free speech in the workplace, reports the Detroit Free Press. The case is likely to have implications for social media. The ruling is expected to uphold current standards, including that "employees have a ... right to discuss wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment with fellow employees, as well as with non-employees, such as union representatives." Meanwhile, the US Department of Labor has continued its emphasis on employee rights with a Worker Voice Summit, which will underscore the value of worker organizing and collective bargaining, as a new #starttheconvo initiative invites frontline voices from around the country into that conversation.

  • happymoose.jpegMOOSE! SHARE members are now using ICD-10 coding guidelines in our hospital. The new codes allow for far greater precision, including for those patients receiving care as a result of “Burn due to water-skis on fire, initial encounter (V91.07XA),” or even less-likely conditions. At the time of this publication, our research team has not yet uncovered a code for “Incident with urban moose in Worcester County,” although we hear that a moose has been recently seen on our local streets. Drive safe.

See you here next Friday. Hope you have a great weekend.

ICD-10 Goes Live

Many SHARE members have been working very hard to prepare for today. We wish you well this week! It’s been years coming, and, as you’ve probably heard, the ICD-10 coding system goes live today, in healthcare facilities around the country, including our own hospital. The current 19,000 codes used to define healthcare diagnoses, treatments, and procedures will expand to cover 142,000 unique codes.

It will be a big transition, and transitions always involve unknowns. But SHARE coders couldn’t be better prepared, and we’re well-situated to take good care of our hospital.

Kathy Girouard (pictured), a member of the SHARE Executive Board, and a coder in the Heart and Vascular Interventional Laboratory (HVIL), explains that the job has always been difficult, and misunderstood. “A lot of my friends outside the hospital don’t understand what I do at all. Sometimes they even ask me, ‘Kathy, what do you do all day with codeine?’ The whole idea of coding is new to them.”

“When you’re doing the kind of coding that I do, you basically have to decipher a physician’s notes to figure out what they did with the patient. You end up having to understand procedures almost like you’re the doctor,” Kathy says with a laugh.

Coders at UMass Memorial have invested a lot of their time preparing for the new coding system. Some have likened it to speaking an entirely new language. A recent article in Scientific American, “Why You Should Care About the New Major Changes in Medical Billing,” explains that the new codes are often extremely specific. For example, the new codes can pinpoint more precisely the location of bone and tendon injuries, or the particular trimester of a pregnant patient.

The information is necessary to properly reimburse the hospital for the care it provides. The massive overhaul has some industry analysts worried that reimbursements will be delayed, or that errors will leave hospitals with some services unpaid altogether. Some physicians in other hospitals worry that treatment authorizations could be delayed, too. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, anticipating some confusion, has pledged to honor valid insurance claims that are within the right category, even if the specific code isn’t exactly right.

“We’re as ready as we can be,” Kathy Girouard says of the coders. Although that job title is now a hot commodity on the job market, SHARE members plan to use their years of experience to transition and implement the new coding system right here. Many have trained intensively for hours each week for the past two years.

The short-term effect of the new codes will likely involve some confusion throughout healthcare. However, in the long-term, the compilation of more specific data is expected to lead to better understanding of some medical conditions, breakthroughs in treatment, and better diagnosis of problems within healthcare delivery itself. We’re looking forward to using the new knowledge to take even better care of our patients, and proud of the work that SHARE members have done to get us here.

Five-Tidbit Friday: September 25, 2015

Welcome to Fall! For SHARE-UMMS, Summer closed out in a lovely way. Altogether, over a thousand members of our community participated in last week’s Chocolate Day, including SHARE members, other hospital and university employees, medical students, senior administrators, and even a few children. But now, it is time for another Tidbit roundup. Here are five notable and timely items:

  • This week, UMMHC and UMMS have been screening The Connection, a film about the science of mindfulness. UMass Medical School’s Center for Mindfulness has long been at the forefront of this research. The CFM provides an eight week stress-reduction program, which several SHARE members have attended. SHARE-UMMS Treasurer Kathy Bateman says she loved the program, and would attend again. “I learned ways to relieve stress right at my desk. I’d recommend it to anyone,” she says.
  • Employers are starting to catch up with the value of the research being done at UMMS. Internet-search giant Google (considered by some to be the best employer in the country) has even developed its own in-house emotional intelligence training program called “Search Inside Yourself” (Get it? It’s Google, after all.)
  • Any list of Tidbits would be insufficient to tackle an issue as serious as mental health.  That said, please know that there are many free and low-cost mental health tools available. We recently came across this useful (if somewhat glib) resource list. The list begins with a series of apps, most of which are designed to help build grit and brain muscles, and moves through to a valuable collection of hotlines and support groups. For more local services, please see this list of mental health providers in Worcester.
  • Mindfulness and self-care are only part of the equation toward improving what we do, of course. Right now, the work confronting almost every SHARE member is unnecessarily complicated, difficult, and frustrating. We want to eliminate needless headaches. We know that frontline employees need to be the ones to design work-systems. Too often our work requires heroic effort to do a good job, and there are too many pitfalls along the way. Our union is working to enable SHARE members to develop structures that minimize the likelihood of error, and make it easier at the end of the day to see more good outcomes coming from our hard work. One way you can improve work processes in your own area is to submit an idea to your department’s Idea Board. If you have questions about how to do this, or concerns about the effectiveness of your area’s Idea Board system, please contact Will Erickson in the SHARE office.
  • On a lighter note, you might, given its popularity, have already seen this related talk by researcher Shawn Achor. But in case you’ve missed it, here’s a link to “The Happy Secret to Better Work.” It’s funny and smart, and only a little over twelve minutes long.

The weather report looks beautiful for the next few days. Good time to get outside and move around.  It’s not too late to register for The UMass Medicine Cancer Walk, which has been an effective fundraiser for cancer research at UMass, and a meaningful event for cancer patients, their friends, and their families, including many SHARE members. See you here next Friday. Hope you have a great weekend.  

Raise Time Is the Time to Evaluate Your Retirement Strategy

Free Film Screening: The Connection

    Over the next week, UMass Medical School and UMass Memorial Hospital will be screening The Connection, a documentary film about "the remarkable link between your mind, body & health." For a preview, you can watch the official trailer, or the first fifteen minutes of the film free online. For more information about the screenings, see the information from the event flyer below.

    • Learn more about the practice of mindfulness and the numerous resources available at our academic medical center.
    • After viewing the 70- minute video, participate in an interactive discussion and learn about mindfulness programming and new resources to continue or adopt a mindfulness practice. 
    • We encourage you to take the time to learn about the benefits of mindfulness for yourself and our patients.
    University Campus
    • Monday, September 21, 12:00 pm (Lazare Auditorium)
    • Friday, September 25, 12:00 pm (Lazare Auditorium)
    South Street Campus
    • Monday, September 21, 3:00 pm (Amphitheater)
    • Tuesday, September 22, 3:00 pm (Amphitheater)
    Memorial Campus
    • Monday, September 21, 3pm (Amphitheater)
    • Wednesday, September 23, 3pm (Amphitheater)
    Hahnemann Campus
    • Monday, September 21, 11:00am (Ann Nemitz Room)
    • Monday, September 21, 12:30 pm (Ann Nemitz Room)

    • Wednesday, September 30, 6:30 pm (Simonds-Hurd Complementary Care Center)

    Five Tidbit Friday: September 18, 2015

    Happy Chocolate Day! If you're on the University Campus today, please stop by to enjoy some tasty treats and good fun hosted by our sister SHARE union at UMass Medical School. The festivities will run from 11:30-2:00 in the Faculty Conference Room adjoining the main UMMS lobby. Everyone is welcome.

    This Labor Day yielded a bumper crop of media pieces about work and unions. This week’s Five Tidbit Friday rounds up some recent worthwhile reads (and a video) about wage inequality, the minimum wage, the decline of the middle class, and what we can do about these things.

    • In this video, economist and former US Secretary of Labor Robert Reich explains why Americans need stronger unions.

    • In “America Doesn’t Need a Raise, We Need a New National Norm for Wage Growth”  MIT Professor of Work and Employment Research and Engineering Systems, Thomas Kochan, makes a call to “reverse three decades of wage stagnation and rising income inequality,” pointing out that “analysts have begun to recognize that the long-term decline in unions and worker bargaining power accounts for a sizable portion of the problem.” He encourages readers to “rally around a simple norm that all workers should share fairly in the economic growth they help produce.”

    • This recent Op-Ed piece published in the LA Daily News, “Americans Should Think Bigger than $15 an Hour for this Labor Day” was written by Cherri Senders. (Senders serves as founder and publisher of www.labor411.org, a consumer guide to goods and services whose employers treat their workers fairly with good wages, benefits and working conditions.) Although there are lots of good reasons to increase the national minimum wage, Senders argues that “a $15 minimum wage is hardly a panacea for a country whose middle class has been declining for more than 30 years.”

    • Here, Ralph Nader gives his explanation of “Why Labor Day Matters,” claiming that “commercialists have transformed Labor Day into a reason for shopping. The fact that Labor Day was conceived as an occasion dedicated to America's workers and what they have endured is sadly under-acknowledged and unappreciated.”

    • And, finally, this longread. “Can Millennials Save Unions,” which appeared in a recent issue of The Atlantic, speculates about the future of labor by looking closely at events in the news right now. It’s worth the time. But, if you want a quick summary, we’ll just mention that this article . . .
      • Traces recent union organizing at Gawker and Salon, in the NCAA, and at NYU.
      • Describes how millennials’ values overlap those of unions. (Speaking about a large-scale survey conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers, the article claims that "Without discussing unions at all, the firm . . . found that younger workers share concerns for some of the very things that unions have sought for generations.")
      • Explains that lack of work experience, and particularly experience with unions, leaves millennials with questions about unionization, and skepticism about established union hierarchies.
      • Points out that, "In general, if you ask the majority of workers, ‘If you could have a union, would you like that?’ they say yes, but the opportunity to do that is rather limited” because of broken labor laws and widespread employer opposition.
      • And, too, goes on to predict challenges to the future of organized labor.

    Want more tidbits? Just click the “Tidbit” label in the sidebar (or here). Then your screen will fill up with every tidbit we’ve ever posted. (We only started last month, so it’s easy to catch up.) See you here next Friday. Hope you have a great weekend.

    Congratulations to the Winner of the Murray Wagner Laughlin Scholarship

    Congratulations to Xoyoan X. Colon Vega, who was awarded the Murray Wagner Loughlin Scholarship at this year's Central Massachusetts AFL-CIO Annual Labor Day Breakfast.

    While the Labor Day breakfast up the Pike in Boston captured the national spotlight this year with President Obama and Labor Secretary Perez in attendance, the Central Massachusetts AFL-CIO hosted another inspired and dignified event. Attendees included union members and leaders from throughout the region, as well as leaders from the United Way, Worcester Mayor Joseph Petty, and Attorney General Maura Healey. The breakfast featured a keynote address from Congressman Jim McGovern.

    Xoyoan is entering college to study automotive mechanics. His father works professionally on large truck engines, and Xoyan is considering that path, too. Xoyoan's mother, Ana Myriam Vega, is a former SHARE member, having worked as a senior administrative secretary in the Department of Pediatric Surgery. 

    Laurie Lynch, a member of the SHARE union organizing staff who also attended the breakfast, said that Xoyoan told her he was extremely grateful to our union for the award. He also wanted to express his faith by sharing a Christian Bible verse that he finds meaningful, Isaiah 12: 2, which reads, "Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The Lord, the Lord is my strength and my song; He has become my salvation."

    This year, a total of $13,500 was awarded to nineteen scholarship recipients. The scholarships are presented each year to graduating high school seniors who will be going on to college. The student must be a member of a union local affiliated with the Mass AFL-CIO, or the child or grandchild of a member. The program intends to expand its scholarship offerings next year. SHARE typically receives announcements for the AFL-CIO scholarships in March. Keep your eye on this blog, where we will pass along any news of scholarship opportunities made available to SHARE members.

    Sticking Together - Lessons from Next Door

    If you work on the University campus, you may notice that some SHARE members, those who work for UMass Medical School, are currently getting copies of a new union contract. Last year, our sister union settled a good agreement with the University. (The School SHARE local has almost 500 members, state employees, with a separate contract from our 2,600-member Hospital SHARE local.) 

    It was a year-and-a-half long contract campaign and, among other things, the members created this beautiful signature poster, supporting their negotiating team:

    The poster is a positive statement about who the union's members are, the work that they do, and what they care about. And, at the same time, the fact that over 80% of the union's members signed their names in support sends an unmistakable message that they were connected, paying attention, and willing to help move negotiations forward.

    That message was delivered to the management negotiators, some of whom had raised questions about whether the negotiating team was really representing the interests of the other members. Answering that question, firmly and respectfully, was one important factor in bringing negotiations to a successful conclusion.

    A year from now, we will be negotiating our next contract with the Hospital. It is not too early to be thinking about our strategy. The conversations we have with each other now and throughout this process are at least as important as the conversations we will have at the table with the management negotiating team. Stay tuned. We'll be doing lots to prepare, through surveys, and information meetings, and many, many conversations. 

    Raises Are Coming in October

    In your October 16th paycheck, you should notice an uptick in your pay. The last of the four SHARE raises negotiated under the current negotiated agreement with UMass Memorial will become effective at the beginning of the 10/3/15 pay period.

    The raise averages 3%. It includes two components: an across-the-board raise that all SHARE members will receive, and an increment raise that recognizes all of the SHARE members who have logged another full year of service to the hospital, and keeps everyone moving through their pay grade. More specifically:
    • The raise is $.23 + 2% per hour, for an average of 3%. 
    • The flat rate of $.23 is an average of 1% for SHARE members, and is added to every SHARE member's base pay. 
    • The 2% is added to your base rate if you are below your grade maximum. 
    • If you are at or above your grade maximum, you get the 2% as a one-time bonus. 
    • The grade minimums and maximums will go up by $.23, to keep up with inflation. The additional 2% moves you up within your grade toward your grade maximum, unless you are already at max.
    To read the contract language that describes the raises, look here.

    The negotiating team will begin negotiating a new contract in the new year, which will be effective October 2016.

    Any questions? Call SHARE at 508-929-4020 and leave a message on the general voicemail. One of the SHARE staff will call you back to answer your questions.

    Five Tidbit Friday: Eighteenth Anniversary Edition!

    Today, September 11th, is rich with historical significance both for our union (SHARE turns 18 years old this week), and also, we remember respectfully, for our country. It’s been a busy time for many of us in SHARE, with Summer ending and the new school year beginning, the Labor Day weekend, preparation for next week’s Chocolate Day, and, it turns out, some nice recognition in the hospital for several SHARE members. Accordingly, here are our five informal, informational tidbits for the week:

    1. We want to say a hearty congratulations to the SHARE members and their colleagues on 5 East, who were named “Innovators of the Year” at this year’s Champions of Excellence Celebration. The event also recognized the important and inventive projects being done by SHARE members in the 3 Lakeside Step-down Unit, 4 East, the Anticoagulation Center, the Family Medicine Clinic, and the Cardiovascular Clinic. Nice work, and congratulations to you all!

    1. SHARE seeks more makers & bakers for Chocolate Day. If you would like to share your own fudgy, crunchy, chocolatey contribution at the festivities next Friday on the University Campus, or your recipes for chocolate goodness, please leave a message at the SHARE office (508-929-4020) or email martha.robb@theshareunion.org for details.

    1. Following up from last week’s Labor Day post and tidbits, we note that Labor Secretary Thomas Perez joined President Obama in Boston to celebrate Labor Day. President Obama signed an Executive Order that requires federal contractors to allow employees who work on Federal contracts to earn up to seven paid sick days a year. This will give about 300,000 working Americans access to paid sick leave for the first time.

    Also, before leaving town, Secretary Perez dropped off an op-ed piece at the Boston Globe for Labor Day, in which he writes about the importance of workplace democracy in America, pointing out that “employers need to recognize their responsibility — to their workers and the nation — to help make sure that prosperity is broadly shared,” and that, “We should be amplifying workers’ voices, not silencing them.”

    1. Secretary Perez’s comments jive with a report released earlier this week by the Center for American Progress in conjunction with researchers from Harvard and Wellesley Universities. Entitled Bargaining for the American Dream: What Unions Do for Mobility, the report details their findings, including:

    • Areas with higher union membership demonstrate more mobility for low-income children.
    • Areas with higher union membership have more mobility as measured by all children’s incomes.
    • Children who grow up in union households have better outcomes.

    1. Speaking of chocolate: What?! Your mom never sent you the recipe for Two-Minute Chocolate Mug Cake? You really should know how, in a pinch, to swap out your healthy after-dinner square of dark chocolate for something gooier and more celebratory.

    We’re looking forward to more chocolate recipe swaps next week. If you’ll be pedalling in the  UMass Memorial Health Care Caregiver and Family Member Bike Ride tomorrow, ride safe and have fun. See you here next Friday. Hope you have a great weekend.

    Five-Tidbit Friday: September 4, 2015

    Happy Labor Day! Again, to all of you who are working this holiday weekend, thank you! And, happy new school year. Whether you're helping the students ease into a new year at UMMS, or getting the students in your own home back into the groove, we hope things are off to a smooth start. Here's a handful of things worth noting this week:

    • You've likely seen in the local news that, this Labor Day, President Obama will be around the corner at the 2015 Greater Boston Labor Council Labor Day Breakfast
    • But did you know that, leading up to Labor Day, US Labor Secretary Tom Perez has been doing a tour of US cities, meeting with workers around the country? He's been blogging his travels. And it's in that blog where we found this statement, in the entry about his Detroit stop: For generations, there has been a direct link − not just correlation, but direct causation − between a thriving middle class and a vibrant labor movement. Membership in a union lifts up workers, empowering them with a voice on the job that translates into better pay and benefits. 
    • Of course, there's still much to do to strengthen the middle class. For example, millions of working people don't get time off for holidays or vacations, including Labor Day. We're looking forward to more vibrancy, doing more good work through our own Union. And we're excited to see groups like Raise Up Massachusetts and Fight for 15 pushing to make paid family and medical leave, and a living wage, a reality in the communities around us.  
    • September is also Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Thanks to advances in research and treatment, the five-year survival rate is 83 percent for all childhood cancers combined, up from 58 percent in the mid-1970s. We're grateful to have fantastic Pediatric Cancer care in our own hospital, for local resources such as Why Me and Sherry's House which do so much to support patients and their families in hard times, and that, as always, the Boston Red Sox are coming out big in support of childhood cancer cures.
    • And, finally, SHARE turns eighteen this month! In 1997, on September 9th, 10th, and 11th, SHARE members voted in favor of having a union, and having a greater say in their worklives, and in making UMass Memorial and UMass Medical School better places to work and receive care. Happy birthday, everybody!
    See you here next Friday. Hope you have a great weekend.

    Labor Day

    Happy Labor Day! Of course, in a hospital, no holiday is a break for everyone. Thank you to those of you who will be caring for patients and keeping our hospital running this Labor Day weekend.

    In honor of the occasion, we've reprinted this op-ed piece that ran in the Boston Globe a few years ago. It contains some important ideas for unions. The letter was written by representatives of two of our sister unions, unions that have worked closely with SHARE, and who share our values and vision. Enjoy!

    A Conversation with Alana Wesson

    As a first installment in a series of profiles of SHARE leaders and members, we present: Alana Wesson! Alana is a Worcester native. She worked at the Memorial Hospital for 35 years, wearing a range of hats, in departments including Bed-Control, the EICU, and on many of the nursing floors at Memorial. (She spent a year at Hahnemann, too, but who's counting?) Alana spent some of that time as SHARE co-president, before joining the SHARE staff as a full-time organizer.

    And now, we are sorry to say, Alana has rented herself a condo near the coast. She works at a charming little inn, and intends to spend as much of her time as she can combing the shore for beach glass.

    Alana has been a good friend to many in our hospital community. I’m really lucky to have been one of them. I wanted to ask Alana for a few candid thoughts about her work in the hospital and with our union, for posterity, and, more selfishly, for advice. Here’s how that conversation went . . .

    Five Tidbit Friday: August 28, 2015

    This week's Five Tidbit Friday is all about SHARE, a preview of things to come. (Not that there haven't been significant happenings in the outside world, including the NLRB's Browning-Ferris decision earlier this week.) We'll be talking and posting about all of these items with more detail soon:

    • Raises are coming in the first week of October 2015. This raise is the final negotiated raise of the current contract period, which runs until October 2016.
    • Raise time is a smart time to assess your financial plans for retirement, and consider your 401(k) contribution, as we'll discuss in an upcoming post.
    • Of course, we intend to negotiate more raises in the coming contract. We've consistently negotiated strong contracts with good benefits, including our defined-benefit pension and health insurance. We expect the SHARE negotiating team to begin meeting with hospital management next year. This time we're setting our sights on improving our hospital culture. Right now we're having preliminary conversations with SHARE members throughout the hospital system about what we could negotiate to make it feel better to come to work every day.  
    • Speaking of the contract, we've refreshed the "Contract" tab above with a single searchable and printable document. This contract includes all of the current policies and agreements we've negotiated, as well as SHARE's guiding philosophies and principles.
    • And finally, a request: if you'd like to give a shout out to a fellow SHARE member, let us know! Is a SHARE member really helping you in your job? Doing something to make the hospital better? Taking great care of patients? We'd love to recognize them here. Send an email to kirk.davis@theshareunion.org, or call 508-929-4020, and let's share the kudos.

    See you here next Friday. Have a great weekend.

    Five Tidbit Friday: August 21, 2015

    Welcome to the first installment in a new SHARE blogging experiment: Five Tidbit Friday, five observations about SHARE members and our community, and about the broader world of healthcare, personal health, higher education, labor, workplace issues, etc. Here’s five things we note this week:
    • The UMass Medical Farmers’ Market has gotten really good, with lots of fresh and local food right on the quad. It’s happening every Tuesday from 1-5 pm through October.
    • And, Labor Day is coming. One particularly fitting way to spend the day would be at the Bread & Roses Heritage Festival in Lawrence. The festival’s mission is "to recognize, commemorate, inform, and share the labor history and social justice legacy of Lawrence's 1912 Bread & Roses strike with Lawrence's present day residents and people ​​worldwide."

    See you here next Friday . . .